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Silent Hill 3 Review From GameSpot

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Originally posted by HAL-9000

The guys at gamespot are totally stupid, sometimes! I don't trust the review. Do you remember how much they gave to the other Silent Hills (s)?


I disagree with that. I happen to think GS is one of the most FAIR reviewing places there are.


I have tend to find that IGN tends to overscore and underscore games VERY often. Sure, I feel GS does that sometimes, *Cough* NWN *cough*, but just not as often.


You have to remember that GS rarely gives out 9's. So if they mark in a 8, it says "great" below the score -- anything that is "Great" is definitely worth a buy, in their book. If they score it in the 7's, it's "good" -- probably worth your money. It's just if they give a 9, it's "superb" and they feel it's one of the best things on the market; true "must buy" or GOTY material.


BTW, here's what GS given the SH games (even though I disagree with SH2 PC's score):


SH for PSX = 8.2


SH2 for PS2 = 7.7

SH2 for PC = 6.2


SH2:Restless Dreams for XB = 7.9


SH3 for PS2 = 8.4


Personally, I scored SH1 (PSX) and SH2 (PC) both with an A. Reviews are here:


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Well, I actually can see Gamespot and IGN's points - there aren't a whole lot of new gameplay innovations in SH3. One can argue that that's the point though. The series has gathered a cult following over the years, and I doubt fans would like to see a huge departure from the formula quite yet. Plus both sites gave the game a very good score anyhow.

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Originally posted by RemiO

Well, I actually can see Gamespot and IGN's points - there aren't a whole lot of new gameplay innovations in SH3. One can argue that that's the point though. The series has gathered a cult following over the years, and I doubt fans would like to see a huge departure from the formula quite yet. Plus both sites gave the game a very good score anyhow.


It received good scores, so that's a good thing.


About not much of a departure, well, it'll eventualyl get stale and they'll need to innovate the series -- or else it'll be as redundant as the FF series.

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Originally posted by RemiO

Yeah, they will need to do something new sooner rather than later, and it might happen with Silent Hill 4 which more than allegedly is in production. We'll just have to wait and see I guess.


Since SH1 and 3 connect....


maybe SH2 and 4 will connect. :)


Yeah, I think there could be lots of things to innovate for a SH4, especially if put on the PC:

1.A toolkit:

Could you imagine gamers making their own SH levels and mods?

2.Skill points:

Why not? Some FPS games like NOLF2 have skills you can increase while playing; sounds a lil' RPGish, but they don't have to be super deep.

3.Controls & Cameras:

SH1 and 2 take some time to get used to on the controls -- and cameras.


They could change the camera movement and make it free for us to rotate and move it around any way we please, a la NWN. Use cursor keys on KB to zoom in and out and rotate; on controller, use the analogs.


On controls, they can make it easier. They sometimes feel clunky. So, I think losing auto-aim might help. So, can use mouse movement for this; on controller, you'd use the other analog control.

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20s.jpg 22s.jpg


The gap of immersive naturalism....


ff_poe1.JPG 06s.jpg


.... is steadily closing.


Suffice to say that gamers who have previously played and enjoyed the first two games in the series will really get a kick out of the interwoven character-driven lifelines. Those coming at Silent Hill 3 without having played the other games might walk away a little bemused, but I guarantee that everyone will have a thrilling time either way. The dev team responsible for Silent Hill 3 have completely outdone themselves this time around.


....I like to think of the Silent Hill games as more of an interactive horror book than an action/puzzle-solving game. The story is what drives us to venture into the satanic depths of Konami's mental minds in the first place, and it's what keeps us coming back for more in the end. Don't expect to find radical gameplay changes or innovative open-ended mechanics here. Instead, come armed with a belly full of courage and a clean change of underwear, because I can't even remember when a video game has shoved this much grotesque evil down my throat in one serving. It's fun to be scared, and it's more fun to play Silent Hill 3.

Full review, Gamespy

Review score = 8.5

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SOme years before before gamespot became selling-magazine :p i used to use it...


My problem and liking about their reviews is that they are SO not gaming....


I mean they don't judge of how fun a game is to play.....but how GOOD it is :cool:


i like that side.....but i hate when they put low marks to games that deserve better.....

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It's certainly an excellent game, though it's probably an advantage, if not a must, to play the first game in the series first. As for some of the criticism - the game is short, but then again a game like this would most likely not be that great if it was too long. Some say the story is thin, but it really isn't that bad. Not as good as SH2, but better than your average game anyway. And it's scarier than hell, in the classic psychological Silent Hill sense.


To sum it up, buy it. ;

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