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How Do You Save???


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Are you guys sure he isnt talking about Cloning though. Technically there is no 'saving' in this game. Everytime you do a /logout it makes sure to take your character out of the world. Personally i do not consider this a 'save'. To do a real save of your character is to clone. Go to a city and look for a Cloning Facility, then go to the top floor and make sure to clone. You can also insure, but right now auto-insure is on while they fix a bug with insuring.

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Originally posted by PeregrineFalcon

You can also insure, but right now auto-insure is on while they fix a bug with insuring.



I want my 2600 credits back that I spent to insure yesterday. Correct me if I am wrong but I think that bug has been fixed and you now need to insure:(

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2600? Is that it? I haven't tried since beta because the last time I insured I got a quote oa 49,000 credits. By far, I didn't think that was worth it. I might have to check again. Of course, given all the stuff I carry, it will probably still be rather expensive.

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yeah i know 2600 is nothing but if auto insure is still on why is it letting me insure. i started a new character on different server and when i went to insure a box popped up telling me i didnt need to. i know i get the first 3 free but i just wanted to try it and see what it would say. so if that box popped up then why doesnt a box pop up when i insure my other character. and why did it only cost me 2600. i have some good stuff. a laser rifle and full chitin armor just to name a few so those alone should be more than 2600 right:confused:

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Well before I leave for any of the secondary planets, I drop absolutely everything possible in my house.


Then when I get to the planet I insure what I am carrying.







Dark Sash




Around 5k.


Then I spend the 1k to clone myself. So when I die, I get right back in on the action!

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Thanks guys for all the replies I am still tring to learn the ropes to this game I just got it yesterday and have not joined a guild or anythng yet.So in order to save you have to go to the cloning factory and to save your items/weapons you have to get inshurence right?And to save your money you go to the bank and depoisit it.

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