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I've been poorly treated by a LF mod

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I had been looking at Sam and Max for a bit of time, and I asked about some info in the Sam and Max forum. By accident, I hadn't read the sticky in the forum which says to read a link they have and not to ask about it. Anyways, I asked about it. Setion was kind enough to give me my information. A day later or so, Jester decided to tell me that he was going to delete my post, and threatened to ban me if I did such a thing again.


I didn't even know what the heck I had done. I asked Boba Rhett what I had done, which he then asked. I then found that above-mentioned sticky and then posted in the thread, "Why did you yell at me so harshly? It was a simple mistake!" I would have liked a response or something because he then deleted the whole thread, but I never received one. Could either Jester tell me why it was so harsh or someone figure that out? I don't believe I needed yelled at and threatened to be banned!

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Er.... he threatened to ban you? He can't due that. Believe me. At the Swamp, people are always making threads against the rules ( Not like the no flaming rule, just little things) Mod closes it, just tells then not to do it again. Besides, if you did get banned, I'm sure an admin would come unban you.


OK, That was me, voicing my worthless opinion :dozey:

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

So basically, you were told that you would be banned if you continued to break the rules of the forum. And you think that constitutes being "poorly treated"? Whiner.


Because, it appears to be just a minor rule. Its not like it was porn, or flaming a member, which SOME peopel do, and they don't get in any trouble.....

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

And how is that? You posted a thread which violated the forum rules, and it was deleted. You were then told not to do it again. And this is some kind of miscarriage of justice because you didn't post porn? Leave it out.


Because, when he read the rules, I guess he didn't see it. It didn't affect anyone else. Why would he be banned?

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Originally posted by Mort-Hog

"American, and proud to be"

"Location: America, the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave!"





What about that? That had nothing to do with the thead.


Just ignore Jester. If he did ban you an admin would unban you anyways. So don't worry about it. :)

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

He wasn't. He was told that if he continued to break the rule he would be.


So. Should he be worrying about a simple mistake like that. I'm sure he didn't do it on purpse. Shouldn't mods be focusing more of flaming and spam? Does asking a question again really deserve a banning?

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Well another forum I won't go ....


I'm a mod myself on quite a big dutch forum ... but I wouldn't even dare to ban people for such small things. It's like giving death penalty to someone who rode a bike at night without his lights on ...


Moderators are the face of the forum. They need to be an example in posting and helpfull to newcommers ...

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I'm sorry, but is HeavyArms going to repost the deleted thread even after he knows it's against the rules, and after being informed of Jake's helpful FAQ? If he's not, then this is a non-issue. If he is, then he's an idiot who deserves to be banned.

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

and after being informed of Jake's helpful FAQ?


Don't drag me into this, ya bastard!


Honestly. HeavyArms, sorry you were treated badly in my forum. I'll go off and murder Jester in the night for you if it makes you feel any better. I've been out of town for the past 2 weeks and out of an apartment the month before that so I haven't had time for the Internet at all, much less monitoring the Sam & Max.net forums. If I wasn't on 28.8 dialup I might be able to locate the thread you're having trouble with (for future reference, linking to the thread in question helps move things along :)).


Hopefully I can better solve this problem in the future :¬:. For now my best advice is to read the FAQ and sticky threads at the top of forums before you post (you know, standard nettiquite, or however you spell that), and if Jester or someone gives you crap, give him crap back. He can take it.


Also... pineapple.

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Originally posted by Carl Shutt

I'm sorry, but is HeavyArms going to repost the deleted thread even after he knows it's against the rules, and after being informed of Jake's helpful FAQ? If he's not, then this is a non-issue. If he is, then he's an idiot who deserves to be banned.

He said he didn't know it was against the rules. And as a mod shouldn't you be above flaming users?

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Everyone please shut up, this has been more than discussed at this point.


Here's an announcement I've put up in ths Sam & Max forum about it. Now, I'm going to close this thread. Heavyarms, if you need to talk about this further, just send me a LucasForums private message. I'm a LucasForums administrator and also the "owner" of the Sam & Max forums, and would be happy to help you with any other trouble.





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