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This is getting out of hand


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If you've been paying attention to the news lately you'll know that Californians, in their wackyness, are recalling their current Governor, Gray Davis who looks a lot like Gary Condit, and many people have thrown their hats into the ring including:




Porn Smutter and First Amendment Backer Larry Flint, and my personal favorite:


Gary Coleman, how awesome would that be?

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um... there's already a thread on that... yeah... but you can just keep this one since the other one spammed off-topic after 5 posts.



Haha, if you want to live, classic terminator line. I think he would be a good candidate, he knows what's wrong, so watch your A** Mr. Davis!

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Maybe we should supplant an LF friendly Governor in every state, that way we can start planting our, uh, agenda on the country...


I mean in 2010 I could run for Gov of Arizona, but I don't really want to (and I don't have the connections)

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Good people of GB.com, hear me. :max:


I have a vision for the state of California which outstrips any of the feeble reasonings of movie stars or 'seasoned opinions' of the 'real' politicians. Turn the racketeers and porno hustlers out, for Zoom Rabbit has the higher future in hand.


California must be bulldozed and turned into a giant feral parrot habitat. By reducing the human population, we would also reduce our need for social services and use of overburdened natural resources. What few Californians fail to take the hint and move elsewhere can be housed in giant underground worker hive communities, where frail and squinty-eyed troglodytes can be put to hard work, turning out a number of hemp fiber products (grown in our Humboldt county hemp farms, of course) cheaply enough to make the Chinese look downright greedy. Our profits can be used to buy crackers for the feral parrots, and the rest secreted in a Swiss account for 'emergencies.'


Let's face it. :dozey: No one wants to live in California anymore. We should therefore raze the whole thing and give the parrots a shot at it for awhile. The citizens of the state will be grateful.


So, forget Arnie. Forget Davis, or any of the mobsters likely to show up on that ticket...vote for ME, Zoom Rabbit, as your write-in candidate for the governorship of California. You probably won't be sorry.


Thank you for your time. :max:

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I, Clefo, declare myself a candidate based on the fact I was born in Los Angeles and lived there for 3 years of my life.


Yes, there are a lot of other people running for Govenor, but I believe I am uniquely qualified for this, the highest office in that great state of ours, and I intend to explain why.


Friends, even if you don't like me, I like you. The time is not yesterday, or even tommorow, for, as the Founding Parents so wisely said "The past lies behind, the future lies ahead"


If I sound urgent, its because I am standing barefoot on concrete in August in our great state, which gets hot during these months. I take my shoes off for this state



Thank you, and god bless!

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Originally posted by Clefo

I'll strip down to nakedness while some funk music plays in the background for the state!


Now get THAT image out of your head :D


It BURNS!!!!


*runs around trying to gouge his eyes out*

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

Good people of GB.com, hear me. :max:


I have a vision for the state of California which outstrips any of the feeble reasonings of movie stars or 'seasoned opinions' of the 'real' politicians. Turn the racketeers and porno hustlers out, for Zoom Rabbit has the higher future in hand.


California must be bulldozed and turned into a giant feral parrot habitat. By reducing the human population, we would also reduce our need for social services and use of overburdened natural resources. What few Californians fail to take the hint and move elsewhere can be housed in giant underground worker hive communities, where frail and squinty-eyed troglodytes can be put to hard work, turning out a number of hemp fiber products (grown in our Humboldt county hemp farms, of course) cheaply enough to make the Chinese look downright greedy. Our profits can be used to buy crackers for the feral parrots, and the rest secreted in a Swiss account for 'emergencies.'


Let's face it. :dozey: No one wants to live in California anymore. We should therefore raze the whole thing and give the parrots a shot at it for awhile. The citizens of the state will be grateful.


So, forget Arnie. Forget Davis, or any of the mobsters likely to show up on that ticket...vote for ME, Zoom Rabbit, as your write-in candidate for the governorship of California. You probably won't be sorry.


Thank you for your time. :max:


As a Californian - No. :D

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I'll second that!



I found out what you need to get on the ballot for the cali. gov. thing. You need $3500 and 65 signatures. I figure w/ the number of people on this forum (plus we can con a few extra people so it's not so obvious), we can get enough sigs to nominate everyone! So what if there are a few repeat signatures. Now...where are we going to get that kinda money???

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Well Shan is selling her Mustang... :cool:


Gallgher is also gathering signatures to run for governor. I think I'll pick him as my candidate. Anyone who's that willing to bash fruits around in public will get my vote any day. :D

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