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I'm just trying to figure out why we can't seem to find any mappers to make maps for this MOD. You'd think with all the MODs that have closed up shop in the last year, there be some mappers looking for something to do. We have 10 maps to complete and somethings gotta change. If you know of some competant quake3 mappers, please send them our way!


thanks in advance

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I'm sorry to hear about this, personally I am hoping when Jedi Academy is released there will be another surge in mappers that will want to come on board.


I would map for you, but I haven't a clue, I remember about 3 years ago I tried to learn JED to map for the original Jedi Knight, but I lack the concentration and was too lazy to read all those tutorials and stuff.


However I'm sure you'll get your Maps done, especially when JA comes out.

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testing testing one two three


sorry, had a very long day at work, away from here.



maps needing to be completed:


Test Base

Detention Center

Refueling Station

Jabba's Ship

Robotics Facility

The Executor

The Arc Hammer

Ramses Hed

Imperial City


emon, got any screenshots from your other maps or sample maps to check out?

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I can't say that I do, I never got around to doing any mapping projects for JO, due to other problems I was having. However I'm perfectly knowledgeable in many, many aspects of game design, mapping and programming being my favorites.


I've been working with brushes and Q3 since before JO came out, and I'm always helping other guys on the editing forums here or at Massassi (although I've gotten bored of it because people ask the same dumb **** and never use the search, grr), and I'm most of the brains behind the tech and scripting stuff of Sine_Nomen's Nar Shaddaa map which I'm sure you've seen showcased here, as well as AKPiggot's Party Crasher.


This is a sequel to a JK map I made in 2001, which I never finished due to lack of interest on my part and the community's: http://forums.massassi.net/html/Forum5/HTML/009735.html

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hum... I don´t think Emon needs to send in any sample maps... just look at the massasi forums:


(he converted a highpoly model of the Executor into a JO Map!)


He has a VERY profound knowledge of how GTKRadiant, q3map2 and JO in general are working.


And he has been on nearly all important forums for years :D


just my 2 cents ;)

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Originally posted by Sine Nomen

I'm game, after I finish Nar Shaddaa and get settled into school. Ramses Hed and Coruscant both sound interesting.


very very good Sine. Can't wait to get you started on stuff.


what about you Emon - any map choices in particular?

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Hi, I'd love to help you out with Jabba's Ship. It was one of my favorites in DF. Jabba's pool makes it all worth it. :) I've got a long history of JK editing as well as JO editing. Unfortunately, my 'image hoster' had a few technical problems, and lost my more recent JO work, but here is a comprehensive listing of most, if not all, of my JK work.


If you'd like to see some JO shots in a test map, just say the word and it will be done. Emon can vouch for me, too. :) Anyway, hope you consider me for Jabba's Ship. I'd love to work on it.

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