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What is "The Memoirs of Guybrush Threepwood: The Monkey Island Years"?


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If I remember correctly, if you DO sink your ship in MI1, then it's Herman and his good ex-friend Bob that bring you back on the ship Herman had sitting around. If you don't sink the ship, then at the end, you see a cutscene of Herman sitting around, talking about something. Then, after that, if it's Herman bringing you home, he is sitting quite nicely at Melee Island, doing his thing. He then travels to Dinky to set up a business, still at his own will, he says. I would assume he could easily get back; having a ship waiting around somewhere. Then, in MI3, LeChuck states that he tortures and pushes H.T. MARLEY into a whirlpool. No plot holes yet; remember; at this point there is no connection between "Grandpa Marley" and Herman. Then, in MI4, we all know what happened. The plot holes in MI4 MADE the plot holes in MI3, and therefore, messed everything up. Personally, in my heart, I still consider Herman Toothrot to be one man, and H.T. Marley to be another dead man. I will probably come around some day, but I keep this belief because I hold MI1 and MI2 so much closer to my heart.




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There's another plothole caused by CMI...in CMI, LeChuck also says that he jumped into Big Whoop to gain his immortality (this was after he'd set out to win Elaine's hand)--and H.T. Marley & crew saw him do it, which is what made them tear up their map, etc.


But H.T. Marley went looking for Big Whoop over twenty years ago, didn't he? Just how old are these people?!

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And of course, how did LeChuck fall in love with the Elaine of that period? She's probably not more than ten years older than Guybrush, which means that it would have been a little...odd...for LeChuck to become so love-struck with Elaine twenty years ago.


But another conflict occurs with the very line you just posted, TyraaRane.


LeChuck says in CMI that he voluntarily jumped into Big Whoop to gain immortality, right?


But he says in MI1 "With years of planning almost destroyed by my death, I'm not taking any chances now." This seems to imply that he did not die of his own free will.


Of course, it is possible that there is a way to reconcile these two lines, but it's not too likely.

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Originally posted by ATMachine

And of course, how did LeChuck fall in love with the Elaine of that period? She's probably not more than ten years older than Guybrush, which means that it would have been a little...odd...for LeChuck to become so love-struck with Elaine twenty years ago.


That's what I thought. It also makes LeChuck just a liiittle too much of a "creepy old man" for my liking.


Though, I've always thought Elaine was just a few years older than Guybrush. Two, three at the most, maybe. But that's just my guess--I don't think we'll ever find out anyone's real age besides Guybrush's.


LeChuck says in CMI that he voluntarily jumped into Big Whoop to gain immortality, right?


But he says in MI1 "With years of planning almost destroyed by my death, I'm not taking any chances now." This seems to imply that he did not die of his own free will.


Of course, it is possible that there is a way to reconcile these two lines, but it's not too likely.


Well, you never know. In MI5, we could find out that LeChuck has multiple personalities. One willingly jumped into Big Whoop, and the rest just had to go unhappily along for the ride. ...Or not. ;)


I hope MI5 will resolve some plot holes, not make them worse. I tend to take H.T. Marley's word for what happened over LeChuck's (he could've been lying, easily, but he sure got the whirlpool thing right spot on if he was...), but it all makes my head hurt just the same.

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Originally posted by Ryback

I'd like to see even more plot holes and inconsistencies in the next Monkey Island game. There's a tendency to take this stuff way too seriously.


Or to quote Stan, "Oh, shut up. It makes a good story."


*laughs* Wow. Exactly how I feel, now that I think about it.


I'd really only care about filling in all the plotholes if I were going to write a fanfic, and in that case, I'm sure there's at least a few I could just gloss over...

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I was more annoyed at the fact that LeChuck could magically change his appearance, and somehow had the strange ability to posess giant statues.


It was probably CMI's fault there were so many plotholes anyway, what with the giant explanation and the further explaining coupled with the long chat with LeChuck, which tried to explain all. I don't think it should really be considered a "plothole" as such if it clashes with that. In fact, why isn't everyone bitching that CMI is one gigantic plothole, seeing as Guybrush is a kid and it was all a dream? But then, surely Guybrush is allowed inconsistent dreams blah etc end paragraph.


In short, I don't care. The "plotholes" aren't why EMI sucked. Also, I'm sure said plotholes can be nicely filled in by any desperate continuity-obsessed fan-person.

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When we say Guybrush was a kid in the first two. Do we actually mean that he was a kid, or just underage to drink, cause he dont look like a kid, just a small adult.


I'm probably wrong.


And TyraaRane, when do we find out Guybrushes age. I havent played the games for a while now so I cant remember all the little bits, normally I know every last tiny little sentence and could recite the whole scripts to you but cant remember at the moment.

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He means that the first two games were actually the imagination of a small child in an amusement park - there was a page on the Scumm Bar detailing this and why it is true, but it's down.. so you need to wait if you don't already know.


And yeah scabb, that was ridiculous. LeChuck's different forms were caused by him being destroyed in some way or other by Guybrush. Him suddenly having the ability to change at will is stupid.

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As much as I love the CMI, I think a lot of the questionable storylines originate here towards the end.


The ages definitely don't add up, from what I remember, unless I'm mistaken another is Goodsoups great aunt, and how she fits in with LeChuck - he knew Elaine when he was alive, and he supposedly met Goodsoups Aunt not long before he died. Baring in mind her great nephew looks about 60, its all a bit bizarre! Or was it just his aunt? Guess that'd be a bit more feasible, but not too much...

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Originally posted by hellomoto

And TyraaRane, when do we find out Guybrushes age.


In MI2, when you're filling out that application to get a library card on Phatt Island. The librarian asks Guybrush's age, and one of the options is, "Nintee--uh, twenty-one." I've always assumed that he ages a year per game...so in EMI he's twenty-one, and in MI5 he'd be twenty-two, etc.


No, the thing with the Goodsoups really doesn't add up, either. Because the bartender did call Minnie his great-aunt. Once again I ask, how old are these people?! Oi. *facepalm*


And Ryback? I know I take this stuff way too seriously. It's a bad habit I picked up somewhere along the line as a fanfic writer. (Well, not so bad really, I guess, it's good to have one's facts straight...)

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If there is anyone with connections on this board, they should mention to the creators of MI5 all of the noticed plotholes and ask them to fix them somehow. (i'm sure they are aware of the plotholes, but it can't hurt to ask). I would love the Monkey Island series as a whole a lot better if all of the story errors were fixed. (if it is humanly possible to like this series any more).

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CMI doesn't have any real plot holes. The creators knew there was no point in trying to entirely explain MI 1 and 2 so they wisely decided to make a more independent story. The whole beginning of the spider monkey part is the biggest form of explanation that CMI offered, and it didn't take it too far. Also, the whole situation with LeChuck going to Blood Island does work if you think hard enough. It isn't until EMI that real problems come up.




Also, about the memoirs thing. I have them for parts 1 and II, and I believe that their significance extends no further than as hint walkthroughs. If you guys really want scans, I'd be happy to post them if you'll allow some time.

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Also, how did you manage to get the "memoirs ...... " for 1 & 2?

Did they come in some Lucasarts package deal? I got mine for the first MI in the "Classic Adventure Pack". In the book that came with it, it had the Memoirs thing for MI1. Is this the same thing you have for the first one? How did you get the second one? Scans of the second one would be really appreciated, as I mentioned in the last post. Thanks.

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