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one friggin scary experience


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I was playing microsoft flight simulator, and was trying to fly my F-15EG (It's a downloaded aircraft) from Niagra Falls to Toronto Intl. I decided to speed the flight up, so I increased the acceleration in the game to 16x. Big mistake. My plane climbed to over 100,000 ft and ran out of airspeed. It then started spinning vertically and horizontally at the same time. It looked like it was on one of those space rings or gyrotrainers or whatever it is called. It took me about 70,000 feet to break out of this after gaining some airspeed. The process to break out of this dive took about five minutes to accomplish. After this quite wierd experience, I quit.



The Point: Don't ever get in a plane with me as the pilot unless the autopilot flies it the whole friggin way.

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What a great story. Thats funny......so you flew to toronto...why didnt you pop by :p .



Anyways I dont think i ever had a scary esperiance in a game....except when im playing a FPS and then a guy jumps out of no where and shoots you...and everything shakes....and the mouse pops out of your hand and you jump out of your seat.

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haha. always do remember..


check your climb/sink rate BEFORE letting the plane go..


for your luck you flew a F15 .. it has more thrust in the engines than its own weight would need... although..


btw .. 30000 feet is FAR from the ground..! i start getting wet below 1000..



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Originally posted by jediduo

Play Medal of Honor, and then have a German Shepherd jump on you while you're peeking thru your sniper scope. That'll scare you.


So true, I hate it when that happens.


Actually, I hate it more when in the first level of that game there are German soldiers who hide in cabinets...first time I saw one jump out of a cabinet I nearly wet myself.


*hugs his Huggies*

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That didn't get me, really. On that level I just went into it, guns blazing, and somehow won. That dog, though....sheesh. I thought those footsteps were just background noises, and I hadn't encountered any dogs so far. Then it just appeared....



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