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Making a Tierra de los Muertos 3d?


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Originally posted by 8 of 12

If this project gets anywhere, I'll be wanting everyone with a microphone in Nightlight land to contribute with a line or two ;)


That sounds good.


I just played Grim Fandango last night. The "Celso Flores" model from year 4 would probably work well for Number Two... if that's the system you're using (and it's probably not.) Plus, did you post a picture of that Encion model you're making anywhere?


One more thing... if you're intent upon animating Tierra, wouldn't it be easier to do a 2D shockwave animation or something?

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HI =)

just played Grim Fandango last night. The "Celso Flores" model from year 4 would probably work well for Number Two... if that's the system you're using (and it's probably not.) Plus, did you post a picture of that Encion model you're making anywhere?


Hmm the first thing...What do you mean by that, that you canuse Selso Flores for Nr.2? What kind of system you mean? The animation system?

The second thing...ehm .. I have no permission from 8 of 12 to post models ;)


Sal: Don't post any pictures on the forum yet



One more thing... if you're intent upon animating Tierra, wouldn't it be easier to do a 2D shockwave animation or something?


Maybe its easier, iam very sure about it! It would be more easier for someone who have draw skills ( like 8 of 12 ) to animate things this way or 8 of 12?


My problem will be the animating stuff, after build the models, but i hope I can handle it.


I think i can say, that " Tomas "Red" Encion " is done allready.

I am done with the model thing, the textures maked and placed too. Next task wil be animating ( testing first alpha skellet setting and looks fine till now )


Just need green light from 8 of 12 ...to start work again ;)

Maybe he allows me to show the model...maybe =)


So then..see yar people



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Tomas is looking damn cool so far. But I don't want any pictures posted until I'm absolutely satisfied with it.


And he's close. Really close. A couple of clothing adjustments and we'll have the perfect Tomas.


But don't worry, Sal. Everyone will see your work soon. :)

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Excellent. I am glad to hear that, even to the smallest extent (such as a 3D Encion), Tierra de los Muertos has reincarnated. I just thought it was too good of a radio play to just go to waste. Oh and, 8 of 12, just out of curiousity, is Le Parka supposed to be a fat guy?



-Tomas Encion, Episode 7 (one of my favorite lines because of how wimpy he sounded when he said it)

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Tomas sounded wimpy? I protest! I just couldn't yell into the microphone as loud as I wanted to at that point, because the studio next door was on the air. :)


La Parca isn't fat, no. He's a skeleton, how can he be? He's wearing billowing gowns though, as every good Grim Reaper should be.

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Hi everyone. I'm new to the forums but have listened to "Lost Cause" and "Tierra de las Muertos" thanks to Inredible D, whom I am good friends with in real life. Seeing Tierra animated would be fantastic, and I hope to see it someday. Too bad we don't have action figures. I could make a stop motion movie of it with my brand new program. :D

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Hey there, Holdy, and welcome. You are clearly a very froopy dude who knows where his towel is. :D


Tierra de los Muertos action figures, eh? Well yes, I must admit, that would be damn cool to see. But don't expect to see them anytime soon. I've looked into it, and the starting price for each action figure is $400US. And somehow, I don't think that Tierra would make the money back. :)

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I think Iam done so far with "Red"

He hasnt any skelleton so far, but that should be done later ...

when all 3d models are done ;)


When 8 of 12 chek them and give it okay, you guya can see some shoots of Red.


Just waiteing for the project leader again :rolleyes:



So far

Arthur =)

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So I am show some shoots of Red...Boss said" Okay boy show them "

It think its the final model + textures version. So dont say it looks like crap or somethin, it was hard work ;)






What you think of it?


Nice sleep, Arthur =)

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I think that Sal's done an awesome job with Tomas, he's looking exactly as I imagined him. And don't listen to him when he says I'm responsible, besides being extremely picky, all of this was Sal's work. It wouldn't have gotten anywhere without him.


And the only thing that's holding up more progress at the moment is me and the lack of time I have. :)


Sal: If you're reading this, don't worry about the skeleton or speech at the moment. Leave Tomas alone and start on Miguel Huesos. He should be even easier than Tomas. Leave Number Two and Death, the hard ones, for later. :)

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Ok Miguel Huesos......give me little time...have to work it out ;)

Thats true..these two will be the hard ones.


And people dont listen to him ;) I do nothing, he just do all the work and give me advises =)



So then ..cioa

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i posted a similar thing in the making a gf2 thread. but id love to help with the movie project. but does anyone know where I can DL Tierra de los Muertos? I havent been to GFN in a year.


sallim - that screenshot looks amazing. its exactly in the style of Grim Fandango.

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