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Either way you have it. Sam and Max is seen as a 2d hand drawn thing. With the past game, show and comics. To see them in 3d kinda takes away from what we're used to seeing. I for one support the game no matter what. Whatever will put sam and max back into the lime light. Which will hopefully lead to more merchandise and other things like that. Make steve purcell some money and encourage him to do more things we can take note of. Instead of doing work with pixar and not seeing any results.

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well put Jester. I'm sayin as Mr. Purcell is workin at pixar we aren't really seeing his work. I don't even know if he's still there. You check the credits in any of their movies? I doubt you'll see his name. I'm wasn't talking about the company in general.

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Nah man, that "Disney Garbage" == "Raping the corpse of old successful movies (and some unsucessful ones) and parading them around while their respective limbs fall off and land in your soup de jour: 'childhood'"


But I don't mind the 3D that pixar does, they do it well and pull it off succesfully, and have good scripts and music to back it up. That's way better than the "misfigured slanty childish lines" and "pop-icon music of the day" disney is trying to pull off.

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We shouldn't read too much into the graphics right now ... broken sword 3's graphics are now totally different from the concept 3D screenshots, and no doubt Sam & Max 2 will follow suit ... Correct me if i'm wrong, but I think I read that S&M2 will (for some part, at least) use hand-drawn backdrops, so I guess it might turn out like Grim Fandango, which, IMHO, was perfect.

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