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The Punisher

Bob Gnarly

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Make his hair black dammit, and why is he a skinny twig, in the comic he obviosly is very buffed up because he was put in solitary confiment, when he was in 'Nam. So all he did was puch ups and sit ups and stuff like that....


The picture annoys me.

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Speak for yourself. Sometimes being buff has nothing to do with fitting the character. Dolph Lundgren played The Punisher, and the movie tanked.


I am really looking forward to this movie, with the acception of John Travolta playint the lead villian.


This picture does not bother me at all, looks like someone who is pissed off and ready to wage war on organized crime, just like the original comic depicted.


Thomas Jane (pictured above) is good for the part, and don't let that pic fool you too much, the guy has muscles, just because he is not a beefcake body builder the way most comic heroes are drawn does not mean he can't pick up an M-16, and an Uzi, and not blast everyone to kingdom come. If you have a **** load of guns who needs muscles?


Moral of the story, never judge a book by it's cover. Give the movie a chance first.



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Originally posted by [RAA]-=K1ngPin=-

Sometimes you need muscles to carry the guns :p


If you have seen Deep Blue Sea, I think you will find that Thomas Jane has more than enough muscles to handle the cache.


Come on guys, other then some pictures and a cast list, you know nothing about the movie. Alot of people thought Daredevil would flop, and it did pretty well. I thought The Hulk would do bad, and it did well. Shoot, I thought X-Men would be a disaster, and not only did the original do well, but the sequal overwhelmed everyone. Marvel characters seem to translate better to a movie screen when they make the characters that are surreal, try to blend into a semi-real environment. Wait and see what happens before passing judgement, trust me on this one.

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Originally posted by Darth Groovy

If you have seen Deep Blue Sea, I think you will find that Thomas Jane has more than enough muscles to handle the cache.


Come on guys, other then some pictures and a cast list, you know nothing about the movie. Alot of people thought Daredevil would flop, and it did pretty well. I thought The Hulk would do bad, and it did well. Shoot, I thought X-Men would be a disaster, and not only did the original do well, but the sequal overwhelmed everyone. Marvel characters seem to translate better to a movie screen when they make the characters that are surreal, try to blend into a semi-real environment. Wait and see what happens before passing judgement, trust me on this one.


Er, The Hulk did good? That one looked pretty bad to me.... :(


Oh, and i've never heard of the Punisher. By others posts, I've figured out its a comic with a guy and guns. :p

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Er, The Hulk did good? That one looked pretty bad to me.... :(


The Hulk DID look bad, but still did good at the box office. Doesn't make it a good movie, but Marvel Comics IS making a killing these days by bringing it's most popular characters to life.


Oh, and i've never heard of the Punisher. By others posts, I've figured out its a comic with a guy and guns. :p


The Punisher is Frank Castle, an ex Marine who looses his family in a crossfire between rival gangs. The Punisher makes it his point to declair war on organized crime via brue force, what is not to love about a character with a mission like that?:confused:

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