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Resource "Duping"

von Kluge

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I have read in MANY posts on the station forums about players "duping" resources and dominating their Galaxies economy so much as to make it fall into a depression. I was wondering which servers so far have been affected by this, and to what degree. I also wish to know if it as serious and rampant as the players say. If it is, than that could be a real bummer for my gaming experience. Just wanting some input on a not so crowded forum. TY.



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it may be because im europian... but ... uhmmm what?

i didnt quite understand what you are saying...




now i know there are players selling recources..... but i find that however its easy to just buy recources... its cheaper to do it yourself....


and about the harvester fields where people just harvest like maniacs..... they are not much use if the recources keep changing :p thats why i only have few harvesters :p

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Okay, I guess I need to explain this to the best of my knowledge, this is for informational purposes only, you can be banned for doing this.


Resource duping:

1) Gather a boatload of harvested resources, whether it's from creatures, or from the ground matters not.

2) Deposit it in the bank.

3) Quickly run to a server border.

4) Logout.

5) Log back in.


Supposedly, this creates an exact duplicate of what you dropped in the deposit box in your inventory, ate least that is my understanding.



1) Doing this dramtically lowers the price you have to sell the resource for.

2) It lowers the price of every item that can be made with the resource since you can sell the stuff so cheaply now.


4) Where the heck is a server boundary anyway? How do people find out this stuff?


I think thats it, at least to my knowledge of it. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

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Well, I can't say I'm entirely exploit free. I did abuse the DNA sample from inventory XP issue to max out the DNA sampling branch in two days, but that's one branch. (1) I don't think something like this should go unpunished, but as of right now, the devs can't track it as resources have no serial numbers.


(1) For all of you BEs that are curious, follow this pattern.


1) Gather a boatload of meat and organic food, a couple k at least.

2) Sample DNA until your pack and your inventory is full.

3) Use a droid or chem and food crafter to make all of your DNA templates.

4) Use those templates to make whatever creature you designed them for.

5) Sample the creatures while in your pack. You will get 300+ XP for samples in which they live and 1300 XP if they die. Adds up rather quickly.


I got DNA sampling in two days with this, but it is a relatively minor exploit in comparison to the crud going on. In addition, it used to be 500+ and 1300+, so this was actually the devs fix and it still does this. Well, there are more important fish to fry.....LIKE DUPING!

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Ahem. Please, it's one thing to discuss ways to cheat ingame, and it's another to encourage it. Kid's, don't do this at home! It's the dark side tempting you! It's not worth it! :)


(after all, it HAS to be the dark side if Deft is in any way involved in it. It's a sure sign!)

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Honestly, I posted it for two reasons:

A) It's a relatively insignificant exploit.

B) This is AFTER the devs fixed it. Unless of course they fix it again in todays patch, which means you can get up to about DNA Sample 3 if you have no life and really hurry.


I DO NOT encourage cheating. I do not actually consider this abusing an exploit, because, unless the devs fix it today, it's already been fixed twice.

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Lol, don't worry Deft, just yanking you chain, as usual. ;) However, seriously, I'd like to warn people for using dupes, cheats, exploits etc. Not because you can be caught, but because it really takes away a lot of fun. You're practically shooting yourself in the foot, since the MMORPG experience is as much (or even more so) about the time 'to get there' as it is the time actually 'being there'.

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Yeah, my problem is, leading DS takes so much of my time, that I have to use every grind and short cut I can find. Basically, I make it a point to find the exploit. Then I report it. If it is a minor exploit, I will use it to shave some time off. I refuse to use exploits like duping, or the Baz Nitch hunt, these just aren't cool.

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