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No desintigrations...(I know, I cant spell it...)

Cloud Leonhart

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You know in the Nar shadaa level when your killed by a blaster you kind of, flame up and dissapear? Is there anyway to make this how storm troopers dissapear? Cause it'd be really cool in a vampire hunting mod for the vampires to die like that when you hit them with silver or a stake...Anyway, if you can help then please tell me!

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That's when you get sniped by Rodians, with a fully charged Disruptor blast. If you shoot a stormie with a fully charged Disruptor blast, that is how he will die.


And there is no way you went through ns_streets and ns_starpad without dying.

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:cool: Yea, we're tyin' to get that for the Blade mod. No chance in JO, hopully Jedi Academy will be easier to get it working. Sincee there's alredy a disticntion between droids and organics in JO it should be easy as pie to have a vamp/human disticntion.
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Originally posted by Emon

Er, you can do it in JO.



And Covax! Glad to see you, I thought the Blade mod was dead. I was reading the jk2files section for it and saw that magnitixxx would only let you use his models if you didnt reskin them, and you said you couldent do that, so I just wanted to know why thats a problem, he skinned them just fine if you ask me... Well, anyways, Thanks for the info, all.

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