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The Jedi Academy

Master Palidus

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I have to wonder if Raven got the idea for the Jedi Academy game from http://www.thejediacademy.net :D


I'm currently a Trainer there myself, and I've been a part of the community for around a year. We've always pushed the Academy theme and focused on lightsaber combat, which seem to be the main themes behind the upcoming Jedi Academy game.


Is it possible that Raven took a good look at the JK2 community, and just happened upon a great idea for their game?




Just a thought. Everyone at the Academy was pleasantly surprised when Jedi Academy was announced as the sequel.

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I doubt it. After all, they already touched on the Academy in Jedi Outcast, so in my view it's a natural progression to utilise the Academy theme more fully in this game. It also solves that problem about 'lower Force powers' at the start for people new to the game, by making them a Padawan learner.


I think they were probably far more inspired by the Jedi Academy Trilogy of novels - after all, the entire concept of Luke running an Academy on Yavin IV comes directly from that source, and I thought it was great the way they tied one part of the EU (Luke's Academy), into this series of games, which is another part of the EU.


This kind of 'continuity', particularly in terms of Star Wars fans, not simply fans of the games, is important, and well realised. They've certainly opened up new avenues of opportunity, and I think it would be foolish not to continue this games series...

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Yeah, I suppose that would be the natural progression of things. Still, interesting for those of us at the Academy. It seems the sequel will fit our community better than JK2 did. :D


Do you think that they'll continue the series on into the EU?


I certainly hope so. Lightsaber combat is the best thing to happen to FPS since the BFG. :D

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Originally posted by NofrikinfuN

Do you think that they'll continue the series on into the EU?


I certainly hope so. Lightsaber combat is the best thing to happen to FPS since the BFG. :D


Well, if the series is continued, I see no reason why other strands of the EU, including other characters, cannot be woven into these games. After all, Mara Jade appeared in Mysteries Of The Sith, and I see no reason why other 'popular' EU characters should not at least be mentioned, if not seen. Personally, I'm hoping for a few references to some of the students who appeared in the novels, in Jedi Academy. I know they probably have to be careful, in this regard, concerning obtaining permission to use material produced by the respective authors, but it would certainly aid in that 'continuity' I was talking about.


The Jedi Academy is one of those 'key' factors in the Star Wars EU timeline, and I would expect other 'key' factors (especially where the main 'cast' of the Star Wars movies is concerned) to touch on this game series.


I just hope the series continues.

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While I might like to think that the idea of adding a Dark Side option and class based multiplayer was due to my incessant whining on the subject, I don't flatter myself.


I agree with Stormie, it's a part of the novels that is popular in the EU (heck, the NJO is about the Academy after all, and the students that come out of it) and this is just one more way to tie everything back into the continuity, and it's a natural progression of the series.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Well, if the series is continued, I see no reason why other strands of the EU, including other characters, cannot be woven into these games.

I like seeing these too, but I hope they don't take too prominant a role. I'd rather have the story left completely open-ended, and not affect other stories too much. I am pretty excited about hooking up with Chewie though.
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:rolleyes: Let me frank. Raven and LucasArts will be pretty desperate when they base their new games off of clans for old games (that is essentially what thejediacademy.net is, no? Of course it's a "school" but technically it's a clan).


Anyways, Jedi Academy jhas been in thw works basically since JO was done. Which is BEFORE thejediacademy.net came into being.



And they probably don't care that you have the domain name, since http://www.jediacademy.com, http://www.jediacademy.net, http://www.swjediacademy.com, or http://www.swjediacademy.net are available.

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