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Thinking of buying...

Dake Cral

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Hi I have a couple of quick questions.

First I am thinking of buying Galaxies, and I want to know, in general if people think its worth it?

Second, Does anyone know if people have been able to open up their force sensitive character slots yet? and if so is it as long and hard to do as the FAQ makes it sound?



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first off


the game has lost it's touch,they made a new patch and you can't kill anything any more.there is no possible way to have fun in this game any more.it USED to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun but after this new patch you can't explore the wild any more so unless you become a crafter and you don't have to have any bone and hide you might find a SMALL ammount of fun.


the FS no one knows how to open


as far as the FAQ goes i have never heard of one mind if you send me one so i can check it out

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Don't buy it take your money and go to decision making workshop, or if you really want to take the advice of people you have never met, or know nothing about then my advice is to send me the $70 and I PROMISE ;) to deliver you a game

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he isnt asking just anyone for their advice, he is asking people that play the game, which makes a whole lot more sense than that post you just made plague. also plague, a simple "i dont think you should buy this game" wouldve sufficed. insulting dake's intelligence with that question is more than a little hypocritical seeing as you already bought the game. at least he has the chance to keep his money if he finds he dislikes the game as much as you seem to.

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I was in beta for awhile towards the end I didn't think the game was that bad and it was the only MMORPG I thought about buying. I didn't for a few reasons.


"1"Some things came up to where I knew I wouldn't get to play it much if I did buy it.


"2" I wanted to see how it did the first few months.


I'm thinking about getting it now myself. Has it gone down hill ?:o

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i enjoy the game. it is getting better every day, usually every week. a handful of the professions are not fully finished, or working, for that matter.


gee erebus u cant kill anything? u must be doing SOMETHING wrong. i used to solo dantooine/endor/dathomir/yavin before the patch, after the patch its a lil harder, but i can still do it.


i reccommend that when u have enough money, start a mining business, being a gunfighter and a miner provides you with a steady cashflow. just makesure to mine the stuff that armor/weapon smiths need.

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Save that stuff for PM's Nemisis..


As far as the game goes..Yes they nerfed some stuff last week..but its still all good. I can still kill things pretty easily as a marksman. I do know that they nerfed brawlers alot..people think this is bad..when i reality, they ought to be thankful they didn't nerf it down worse....I feel that it is more balanced. It has excellent game play. you dont find many bad apples in the game unless they are on opposing sides as you(reb vs. Imp) otherwise..you can usually always find what you need at moderate prices(some of the prices for houses are outragous IMO)

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I dropped the money for this game and I wish that there was some one there to slap me for doing it. This game has virtually none of the aspects that you would expect in Star Wars. The Jedi class is one of them, another is the fact that your player has to walk out of town for the missions, and there are no speeder rentals. Finally you can't pilot your own ship! What's even more ironic about this is that there are Bounty Hunter and Smuggler hybrid classes. Doesn't make much sense to be a Bounty Hunter or Smuggler if you can't have your own ship. Of course you can wait a few months and buy the expansion pack plus the game, for a total of $75-85 plus the $16 per month to play.


In other words, go buy a Pong game, you'll have more fun, spend less money, and not kick yourself every morning for purchasing such a game.

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Originally posted by blitz13

I dropped the money for this game and I wish that there was some one there to slap me for doing it. This game has virtually none of the aspects that you would expect in Star Wars. The Jedi class is one of them, another is the fact that your player has to walk out of town for the missions, and there are no speeder rentals. Finally you can't pilot your own ship! What's even more ironic about this is that there are Bounty Hunter and Smuggler hybrid classes. Doesn't make much sense to be a Bounty Hunter or Smuggler if you can't have your own ship. Of course you can wait a few months and buy the expansion pack plus the game, for a total of $75-85 plus the $16 per month to play.


In other words, go buy a Pong game, you'll have more fun, spend less money, and not kick yourself every morning for purchasing such a game.


None of the aspects that YOU perhaps would expect from star wars.


1)No you arent greeted by Yoda saying "Come I will train you in the ways of the Force." As has been posted numerous times this is the wrong time period for Jedi's. This game takes place after the destruction of the Death Star and before the Battle on Hoth. There were very few Jedi at that time. How many did you see in the movies at that time? Yoda, Obi Wan (although he doesn't count cause he is dead at this time) and Luke Skywalker (Still doesn't count because he hasn't met Yoda yet).


2) Why doesn't it make sense to be a bounty hunter or smuggler without a ship? Not every bounty hunter is Boba Fett and not ever smuggler is Han Solo. Ships will be added later.


3) Why does walking make no sense? I don't understand that thinking. Do you think everyone in the galaxy owned a speeder in Star Wars? I think alot of travel was accomplished by foot.


4)Yes the expansion is going to cost money. I would guess between $25-$40. Do you honestly think SoE and Lucas Arts are in this for their health? Its a business. They make money. We have fun. Well most of us have fun anyway.


5)Recognize this is a GAME based upon a popular movie / book series. Certain sacrifices to the movie / book series will have to be made to keep the GAME balanced. Will everyone be a Jedi? No Will Everyone be able to afford or pilot a spacecraft when they come out? No Will the game change and evolve thru necessity? Yes.


I am sorry you dislike this game so much. Perhaps you were expecting the wrong things when you purchased it. I have a trove of games that I bought and decided were trash. Last count I have 30 shelved. This however is not one that is trash.

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let me tell you about SWG


Released way to soon, lots of bugs, login bugs, items disapearing bugs, and the list goes on, and on, and on. You will be paying to play a beta game.


You have to have a 2gig, gforce 4 titanium, 1gig plus system or the frame rates are unplayable.


There is a class called Creatur Handler that can have multiple huge pets, this means there are lots of huge pets allover the place, there are several nicknames for this, Pet Wars Galaxies.


Most of the worst glaring bugs have not been fixed since the game has been released, and its been over 6 weeks now.


There have been countless stealth nerfs.


80% of all negative posts in the SWG forums, although honest feedback and accurate are locked/deleted/banned. They run there forum like Hitler ran Germany.


Among the humongous list of nerfs include several nerfs that make it impossible for casual gamers to enjoy the game or make any progress, only if you have no life and can play 8+ hours a day will you make any real progress, this is despite the fact that they have several documented instances that SWG will be good for casual gamers.

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I'm having fun with the game, but it doesn't have the features I expected: no STARS and no WARS.


A lot of the posts have stated that it wouldn't be authentic to the movie to have a lot of jedi's because there weren't many jedi's in the movies. Yet, there were speeders in the movies, rideable creatures (like banthas and dewbacks) in the movies, starships in the movies, a bounty on a main character in the movies... the imperials even outnumbered the rebels for most of the movies, unlike what I've noticed in this game.


However, like I said, I enjoy the game. I enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed Everquest, though. I don't enjoy it in the way I enjoyed playing star wars in the backyard with my friends as a kid, nor do I enjoy in the same way I enjoyed games like Tie Fighter or JK2.


I don't regret the money I spent on it, and I'm going to keep playing it.

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People need to give it some time. FOR GOD SAKES its only been out for about two months and a half. Everyone is leaving and people are giving up this sucks. If you are a true MMORPG gamer you would know that mmorpg dont start off good. Give devs more time. If you have a problem with there work you do it yourself. It gets me mad when people just criticize the game. This game disserve alot more credit. This is the best mmorpg game out there. no mmorpg game can compare with this game including AC1, AC2 and EQ. Sorry but this game beats every game out there by alot. I enjoy it alot.



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I absolutely love the game. Maybe because it's the first MMORPG I've played but still the only problems I have are my pc crashing (which really sucks) at large areas like the cantina, small bugs like spawned creatures floating, and no transport besides shuttles. Other than that it's really fun and I enjoy the game a lot.



I would like to see the small bugs fixed, a transport system, and space travel if possible, but it's no big deal. As long as the DEV team works to improve the game I'll be playing for a long time.

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I absolutely love it, can't get enough of it. I have been gaming for a long time and have never devoted the kind of time I have to SWG.


I recently joined a guild with a bunch of great guys and have started to dabble in PVP.


Great, great stuff. So many things that I want/need to do that I'm a little overwhelmed at times, but in a very good way. Never bored.


I highly recommend the game. It's a great game, bugs and all, in it's present form and it will only get better.

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Same here, definately the best mmorpg I have EVER played. Absolutely love it. But they are listening far too much to the babies with their wha-burgers and frenchcries about every little thing and are nerfing FAR too much. Would hate to see this turn into a group or die game, we play SWG because we dont wanna play EQ, so hope it doesn't turn into that.


Certain classes are supposed to be tougher in pvp than others, many take more work to become than others, and it is only FAIR that the more work you put into a character, the better that character is at whatever he/she does. So if you work hard on making an awesome combat character, I would expect that character to whoop up in pvp.


Also, they really oughtta stop nerfing the PvE because it is the crybaby PvPers out there that are complaining.

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I dont know about you guys but i love the game! I like the fact that you get houses...... you can actually join real guilds!!! Instead of making up ones like in games that are not supposed to have any. You get your own guild hall. I dont think this game sucks!!! But i do think that the downside of the game is that there are too many bugs. Plus, i dont know why you guys judge the game now when it will be 10 times better than it is now with the vehicles, player cities, and player mounts! To me, it is actualy WORTH buying.


P.S. This is my opinion though lol! :D:atat:

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i dont own the game but i will purchase it u people who are complaining bought the game expecting soemthing diffrent and now doing ur part as to see what the game is. it is an RPG Role Playing Game. not a freakin FPS or TPS will shooting guns 24/7 u are put into a character to interact in the world of Star Wars and lead some what this second life and seeing what it is like in the imagination of George Lucas. all of u people complaining about the game are only doing so cuz u know ur moron's for not checking up on the game and not doing ur reseach on a game before purchasing it and are now in denial becuz u know u made a big mistake cuz this is not ur type of game in reflect that into this board by complaining. STFU its ur own fault get over it. plainly put this game is not for everyone but u may like it and u may end up liking it ALOt ot maybe u wont u can always sell it to someone on eBay in another country maybe get some money back.

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I didn't read all the posts on this thread, I'm simply replying to the original post that started it.


Is the game worth it? IMHO Yes. The game was very well thought out. The fact that it's a complete player driven economy makes it awesome to play.


I've been playing for just about a month now and I'm still enjoying it. Currently I'm a master Scout and master Marksman. I'm getting combat exp together to become a bounty hunter. At the same time I'm a decent medic, artisan, and entertainer. I'm also a Novice Ranger. The skill driven system is fun to play, allows you to dabble in several skills to find which ones you are comfortable with, without having to start a new character.


I'm also part of the Imperial faction. I go out and do imperial missions and spend the faction points on things such as uniforms, personell support (Stormtroopers, AT-ST's), ranks, and you can even buy imperial outposts with turrets and everything.


They are soon to be introducing player run cities, this again will add to the content.


Overall the game is fun to play either solo or in a group. I mostly solo and have a blast. I recently bought a medium size house and I'm also running my own business selling power and different materials I harvest for added cash and fun.


To date no one has opened the force sensitive slot, which also adds to the excitement. I've read that a casual player can expect to open the slot in a years time. So I'm sure someone will be unlocking it soon.


Buy the game, try it for a month, if you like it great, if not oh well. :jawa

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