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Powers back up for me.

Bob Gnarly

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Glad people are getting back together and hope everything turned out okay.


I thought it was silly how Canada blames the US and the US blames Canada for the outtage. ; p


The biggest blackout in American history they say, even bigger than the one that happened in '65.


Somewhere, an Amish guy is laughing his *** off (sorry for the bad joke)!

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I thought the news reporters were rather retarted. You can obviously see on TV a picture of jammed traffic, its daytime and people are walking the streets EVERYWHERE.


The reporter lady says something like this: "well as you can see it is still daytime, there happens to be people walking all over the roads, traffic is at a halt."




in other words, she was reporting things that were useless and could be obviously see on the TV, or concluded from the time of day.

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yes I had 4 messenger windows up, one of which was King Pin and then meep! nothing. they are installing Rogers cable so at first I thought the idiot workmen cut the power, but I soon found out that was not the case. power for returned at 3:50am and it stayed on so far (fingers crossed) I was suppose to work today, but every job site we went to had no power so I got a day off. and I tried not to use power, so i read a book and sort of hacked around. *anyhow sorry for cutting you off like that King Pin, as it turned out it was not me*


now on the news I am hearing americans say nothing but "oh the power outage was caused by the Canadians. sheesh they are never going to let up. Canada has SARS, Canada has MAD COW, Canada has WEST NILE (they have west nile worse than we do), Canada supports terrorists, Canada would not go to war with us.


[wow how quick they forget our support on sept 11th]


anyhow I did get to see some real stars last night.

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Holy sh!t, I went to see american wedding with some friends of mine and all of a sudden teh lights went out! I never got to see the ending but oh well they handed free tickets. :D I wish we had blackouts more often. I got to stay at at the park till 2 watching people party! There we some nice chicks without tops on and yes I did get to see some nice pairs of twins since there was lights in our nearby community centre. :D There was also a hellot of ricers around burning their tires. So ya, thats how I spent my time.

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who would have though that blackouts make tops fly!?


I think everyone made a big deal out of this situation, at one point there were like 10 channels on cable talking about it, kinda stupid if you ask me, there was not even anything to talk about really...

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Originally posted by Arreat

Holy sh!t, I went to see american wedding with some friends of mine and all of a sudden teh lights went out!

Oooh! Oooh! I need to see that today! I can't believe I forgot about that! I actually managed to get this whole weekend off somehow, too. I think I'll be hitting up the theaters this weekend. I still need to see American Wedding, T3, and I still haven't seen the Matrix Reloaded after this long even though some people say it's a bit of a letdown.

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Originally posted by .:CoupeS:.

who would have though that blackouts make tops fly!?


I think everyone made a big deal out of this situation, at one point there were like 10 channels on cable talking about it, kinda stupid if you ask me, there was not even anything to talk about really...


Yeh, it was stupid. ALl they said was "There has been a blackout. This is not the cause of terroism" Like we didn't know that. :p

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