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Weird binds??


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This's when I'd just like to say RTFMFM (read the ****ing manual ****ing moron)


But I'm nice and will point you to the right direction. K, ready? Good. Type this in your browser... http://google.com, got it? K, here comes the tricky part. Ready? Type in the name of the mod you're looking to find binds for. Download the mod... And then, here's another tricky part. Get ready... read the readme/manual/whatever it comes with. The added commands should be there. All done. Now wasn't that easy?


<3, plaZma

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Originally posted by g//plaZma

This's when I'd just like to say RTFMFM (read the ****ing manual ****ing moron)


But I'm nice and will point you to the right direction. K, ready? Good. Type this in your browser... http://google.com, got it? K, here comes the tricky part. Ready? Type in the name of the mod you're looking to find binds for. Download the mod... And then, here's another tricky part. Get ready... read the readme/manual/whatever it comes with. The added commands should be there. All done. Now wasn't that easy?


<3, plaZma


hey shut the **** up you ****ing lamer. ur a *** ***** ***** ***** ** * * ** ** ***********. just cause none of us here like ***got rpg'ing like that doesn't give you the right to pick on them. you have to let us pick on them too :cool:


no monopolys like M$

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I like cherry pie... ummm sorry what was the question again! hooo binds and stuff.. think there is a comand to view the comands when on the server running them. but cant member what it is.. as i am to busy killing all the fags with there chat box up looking at them :p

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Originally posted by Shoman697

im just curious if there is a site that has a bunch of binds. I really want the one that makes you lay down that is pretty funny if anyone can help me that would be great.


Meanwhile back on topic ;)

Chances are you're looking for commands in a game running an adminmod (Vulcanis etc.) You've probably seen someone lying down when you've been playing online, and wondered why you can't do that when you're on against bots, or offline. You can't. Raven didn't include the ability to sit/lie/kiss/wave etc in the original setup. Wonder why? :rolleyes:

These are server-side only mods, which means they run without you needing any files, and are therefore ideal for compatibility when anyone joins the game. So, while you'll be able to do it in certain servers, you won't be able to do it in all of them. Now the bad(ish) news. There are numerous admin-mods out there. Each has a slightly different set of commands. The easiest way to get round this is to put a few servers in your Favourites that use them, and ask one of the players in the game which Adminmod is being used (there may be a command for this, I don't know). Then do the Google thing (above). Once you know what mod the server is running, you'll know what commands will do what. :D


The other way to do it is download something like Jedimod, which is a client/server-side mod. When you load the mod and join the server, you'll know exactly what the commands are, cos you've got the readme file in the mod package.


Hope this helps you some, :)

Now back to the RPG bashing ;)



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Despite how this thread went rampantly off topic, it's really a matter of just playing the game. Binds aren't worth it, sometimes.



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