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S.w.a.t !


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I know its been out for a while, but I got around to seeing it only yesterday.


And I must say its more than I expected, the story is pretty good, some elements were obvious others werent that obvious. The acting is good imo. The music is just great, that remix from the original TV series swat gets in your head even more than that Bohemian Rapsody song !


Did anyone else this movie ?

If you havent, you should its pretty good entertainment.

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I went to the preview, and found it to be, how do you say it in that ghetto tounge? 'tizight'


Samuel L. played his coolness, there were many fun tactical shootouts. There was in general awesome S.W.A.T. action. Great story to drive it also, and yes the remix was addicting.


Has anyone seen this movei and not liked it?

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Originally posted by Billy Shears

Meh, I didn't like it that much. It was a bit predictable.



The guy that offered the money never even got his hands on a gun!


Yes he does,


At the end, when the plane is crashed, the guy shoots with a pistol at the Swat ppl who just got off the limo



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Originally posted by Billy Shears

Meh, I didn't like it that much. It was a bit predictable.



The guy that offered the money never even got his hands on a gun!


Yes he does,


At the end, when the plane is crashed, the guy shoots with a pistol at the Swat ppl who just got off the limo



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Originally posted by jediduo

Hey, Street's girlfriend was familiar. What else has she been in? This has been driving me nuts ever since I saw her.


She was the main character in the short-lived WB series "Birds Of Prey".


She's also friggin' hot in SWAT. :D

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