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Hologram Ugnaught!


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Thanks a lot!




Oh, only one thing: Warning! the Bot is mad! Especially on gun servers when there's many of him(They are allied with their "clones", and they doesn't hurt eachother!).




This what happens if you have 10 |GlobensGeng|Bot in the game and you meet them all at one place:



Bot no.1: Tries to cut your head of with his saber.

Bot no.2: Uses force pull lev.3 on you.

Bot no.3: Uses force push lev.3 on you.

Bot no.4: Uses force drain lev.3 on you.

Bot no.5: Uses force lightning lev.2 on you.

Bot no.6: Uses force speed lev.3, and just runs around like a madman.

Bot no.7: Snipers you

Bot no.8: Uses rocket laucher

Bot no.9: Uses the flachette on you.

Bot no.10: Gets killed by the other bots, cause he stood in the way for all weapons

You: Gets killed in less than 1.21 seconds

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by |GlobensGeng|

They seen to never release it on jk2files and pcgamemods, I've waited for three weeks now!

It might've gotten lost when we made the switch over to the new system. Anything you submit now is automatically put up on the page right away. You may also submit your own screenshots if you wish (which I highly suggest since we're so damn busy over there). ;)


Sorry about the delay.

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Originally posted by Eldritch

It might've gotten lost when we made the switch over to the new system. Anything you submit now is automatically put up on the page right away. You may also submit your own screenshots if you wish (which I highly suggest since we're so damn busy over there). ;)


Sorry about the delay.

Shall I submit it again?

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