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WWE Jedi

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When I start a game over the net on multiplater, no one ever joins. I noticed it is never on the list of survers. Why is that?


Also when you download skins for JN II, is it possible to use them while over the net on multiplayer?


Maybe if I manage to start a server game, I can tell as many people as possible to go on it at the same time as me, and we could have a big free for all.

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Originally posted by WWE Jedi

When I start a game over the net on multiplater, no one ever joins. I noticed it is never on the list of survers. Why is that?


Also when you download skins for JN II, is it possible to use them while over the net on multiplayer?


Maybe if I manage to start a server game, I can tell as many people as possible to go on it at the same time as me, and we could have a big free for all.

NOTE: Yes, I have posted this thing about 100 times, I hope this one is the last!




How to create a dedicated server



Here is an explenation of how to create a "real" server.



1. It's almost impossible to host a server with slow connection. You must have ISDN, DSL or broadband to do that.




2. Do exactly the same way as you do when you create a normal(localhost, "unreal") server, exept for one thing, choose:


dedicated server: Internet


instead of:


dedicated server: No



When you have done that, JO will shut down, and you will find a "console" instead. DON'T CLOSE IT! cause that's the server... Start jedi outcast again, and push "join" instead of "create". To join, do exactly the same way as you join a normal game, exept for one thing, choose:


Source: Local


instead of:


Source: Internet


There you shall find your server! just click the join button and you're in it! And now other people will join!

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And, even if you have created a server correctly that people can join, doesn't mean they will.



If you think all you need to do is create a server and sit back and wait for people to join you may be dissapointed. There lots of super fast servers to compete with. oo

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And, even if you have created a server correctly that people can join, doesn't mean they will.



If you think all you need to do is create a server and sit back and wait for people to join you may be dissapointed. There lots of super fast servers to compete with. oo

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