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Water problem


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Ok... I have tried using couple different tutorials, but I cant seem to get this to work for some reason.... my water is solid rather than being able to float in it....


this is a FFA, MP map.... I am using JK2radiant... I created a brush, covered it with chalk non-solid, then textured the top and bottom with water2 from yavin.... it is still solid... so i tried just texturing the top with water and leaving the rest nonsolid chaulk.... this still not working... I tried using no draw.... yet I have yet to get this to work... can anyone tell me why???


oh, and I tried going under "selection" and clicking on , " make non-solid" too

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That's a non-fatal error, it's possible to play a map with it. But to fix it, try extending the water brush a little into the walls and floor of whatever pool you have filled with water.


Try using nodraw on all the unseen sides of the brush. Or, better yet, make yourself your own "caulk_water" shader that has the following surfaceparms:





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