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A Question Reguarding Multiplayer (*possible spoiler*)


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I heard that, in multiplayer, special moves (such as light-stance Lunge, red-stance Death from Above, etc.) require a certain amount of force energy to use, and if you don't have enough force points in your pool, you can't use the move. Is there going to be a way to turn this off for certain servers? Just curious; I can understand SOME moves requiring force energy, but not all.

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I've not heard this either (and my cynical side see a new poster, who 'heard things' and thinks ... )


But it might not be bad. Sure you can spam DFA - for a few times, until you run out your force pool and someone comes over and chew you up like a Rancor ...






(like the new Avatar ... I made sure *this* was from an 'official' screeenie, even if it isn't as cool as the one Emon had gotten - that *was* a thing of beauty :( )

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