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PC Zone Review *(spoilers)


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Only trouble with that is its a bitter cycle... get a new engine = longer development cycle (thus your game will look outdated faster as new engines get made), etc etc.


I'd rather get a game with polished gameplay than a flashy new engine that's still rough around the edges.


Raven KNOWS the Q3TA engine. 'Nuff said.

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Originally posted by Sithxace

this game could be good but its too much like last years game, it has the same menus, same graphics, same everything. Its more like a expansion pack, the creation is nothing these days, maybe 3 years ago it would be a huge thing, but today its the norm, so they cant really use that s the great feature.


But that isn't true. It has new menues from what we've been shown, updated graphics, and a greatly enhanced saber combat system. It is not an expansion as it is bigger than JKII, features a new main character and so many differences. Character creation in a FPS IS new. I'm not talking about skinning your UT dude, you make a character you'll be playing in a story-based game. Very different, IMO. Non-linear mission progression is a new thing, and so on. 3 years ago the hardware to run this game didn't exist.


Personally I think it is because they focused on gameplay and saber-combat that the game will be so good. I see this as an evolution, better in every way than the original ... and the original was already a top game.


if they got a better engine, better way of distrubting levels etc, and some other things, itll be a god game
See there I COMPLETELY disagree. Unreal II has a awesome engine ... but is a lousy game. Star Trek EFII matches everything you said above, but was a better game than Unreal II. Same for Red Faction I and II ... cool new feature (geo-mod) mediocre games.



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i can entirely see why they score games based on graphics...


(it only bugs me occasionally that they seem to really have a thing against 2D games, even when the graphics in 2D are great, and the game wouldn't have worked in 3D. )


However recently i have been playing games in a very odd order (due to building up a huge back-catalogue of games when i went off round the world). So, for example I only played Deus Ex a few months ago. It is odd how playing games later definately sorts the men from the boys. Some games I have played that got great reviews just ddn't hold up at all once the graphics started to look dated. Whereas games like Deus Ex (where the graphics were looking VERY DATED) still came across as awesome.


I don't think the comparison the Films is entirely accurate. CGi effects have become the "game engines" of the movie world. These days some reviews go on more about how the effects look than the plot.


However, you can draw a lot of parallels with the film world. Some films seem awesome when you first see them (due to the sfx) but those that are all flash and no substance seem aweful after a few years when their sfx start to look old too. Whereas those films that have a decent substance will always be classics, even if the technology has moved on (T1 & T2 being good examples. )


Matrix reloaded would have got very average reviews once you took out the effects part of the scores.


(ok, txa1265 i'll leave it ;) )


In the UK at least it is almost always big "world exclusive" reviews on the front page. And im fairly sure that if they don't give it a favorable review they are less likely to get "world exclusive" review code from that company next time.

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Originally posted by toms

i can entirely see why they score games based on graphics...

I can too - but I think it is shameful ... it is like doing a *music* review based on a *video*. (you should buy the cd ... britney looked hot! :rolleyes: )


Some games I have played that got great reviews just ddn't hold up at all once the graphics started to look dated. Whereas games like Deus Ex (where the graphics were looking VERY DATED) still came across as awesome.


Whereas those films that have a decent substance will always be classics, even if the technology has moved on (T1 & T2 being good examples. )

I somewhat agree, but find myself less taken in by the new shiny games and movies ...



Matrix reloaded would have got very average reviews once you took out the effects part of the scores.

I thought it did get pretty average scores ... the big news was how it was hyped into a mega firstt weekend and then died.


(ok, txa1265 i'll leave it ;) )

Don't. The question, of course, is whether or not JKII would wilt or shine based on that type of assessment. You feel it would wilt, I still think it would shine. We disagree - but we can agree to disagree without being disagreeable ;)


In the UK at least it is almost always big "world exclusive" reviews on the front page. And im fairly sure that if they don't give it a favorable review they are less likely to get "world exclusive" review code from that company next time.
OK. I can understand that - I remember something in an article about that ... I don't remember the company, but they got caught doing just that type of thing a few years ago.



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I just had a very quick look at the PC zone review. It did seem a bit rushed to me, and i have a feeling it might have been on beta code. No drivable AT-STs, they thought the swoop level sucked.


However most of the other comments i have heard about the swoop level liked it.


More important (to me anyway) was the short "second opinion" review at the end. The second guy said he found JO to be pretty patchy, but thought this was a much more rounded gaming experience. Since this guy sound like he might be similar to me in terms of opinions it has given me renewed hope that JA might rock. :)

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Correction- there ARE driveable ATST's. What is it with everyone saying there's not?

In the PC Zone UK article, it states (regarding things from the movies) "...topple AT-ST's (though not control them, as originally mooted)"


We've heard that isn't true since then ... another reason not to trust reviewers weilding pre-release versions ;)



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Originally posted by txa1265

We've heard that isn't true since then ... another reason not to trust reviewers weilding pre-release versions ;)

I have heard since then that AT-STs are drivable. Sorry, I can't seem to find the link right now :(


But my current impression is that they are in...

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Originally posted by toms

i didn't say it was true. Those MP game shots definately imply you can drive them im multiplayer (the Hoth shot). Maybe they aren't in the SP game?

That they *were* in SP was considered 'known' and 'given' right up until that PC Zone review ... but I feel confident after watching one of those spoiler-laden IGN videos last week that they really are in there ... in fact

it looks like you can shoot missles from the AT-ST in that video




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