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Release date of Xbox version of JA?


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Seeing that PC owners get this game in September, does anyone have any general idea when the Xbox port will come out? I am currently undecided between the two (PC is old, can do without mods), and am currently leaning towards the Xbox version.


I was recently on EBgames.com and saw that the release date is stated for Nov. 18th. That would be bad if us console users are "out of the loop" for two months waiting to get our JKA fix. Plus, online play with Xbox Live should be fun :)

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Originally posted by Obi-Wan X

We have to wait for KOTOR : )


Luckily, I got that the day it came out for Xbox. :)


Anyways, my PC runs Jedi Outcast fine, but there is always the "PC games have mods" argument. To be honest, from playing a handful of current Jedi Outcast mods, they aren't anything special... and I can live without them.

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Originally posted by TegSkywalker

Luckily, I got that the day it came out for Xbox. :)


You bastard! :p


Anyways, my PC runs Jedi Outcast fine, but there is always the "PC games have mods" argument. To be honest, from playing a handful of current Jedi Outcast mods, they aren't anything special... and I can live without them.


I say PC because there are more than 2 players at once in MP :rolleyes: , free patches (no XBOX LIVE payments), and because it comes out first! And if your PC handles JO, it'll handle JA.

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JK2 for the consoles really had a lot cut out of it.


- Jedi Master, Holocron FFA, CTY missing

- No mods. Although I hear a few skins were unlockable (anybody confirm?)

- 2 player split screen (console) vs. up to 15 bots (vs. up to 32 players on LAN or internet or any mix of up to 31 bots). JK2 console had no online play whatsoever.

- you had to use the console controllers rather than having the option to use a keyboard and mouse on the PC (which was better for this game overall).

- no dismemberment (and since no mods.. no blood either)

- did you guys even get a console? Because if not, then you didn't get SaberDamageScale or FPLS options in MP that really improved the game...

- forced to use one resolution and framerate (vs. the PC you have more options depending on your hardware and you can upgrade)


In JA you'll have to pay to play online (by paying for Xbox Live!) and you may have other limitations (number of players). Though it sounds like they are trying to make the Xbox version less limited than JK2 for the xbox was, it still won't be up to the PC standard (and still no keyboard/mouse support, although sabers with a controller would be easier than guns).


The other thing is, all of the mods for JK2 will be very easily ported over to JA, so you not only get those, but any new mods designed for JA. You say no good mods came out for JK2? How about Dark Forces Mod or Colloseum? ProMod 3.1? Tons of great maps and skins too...


The date we keep hearing is November for the Xbox release.

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Luckily, I got that the day it came out for Xbox.


And luckily I rented an xbox for 10 bucks and rented KOTOR for 5, and proceeded to defeat it in 4 days ;) . It was a good decision since I actually contemplated buying an Xbox for KOTOR. Plus there was so much loading and frame rate issues for the Xbox version, and I think it ran at a low resolution as well :).


Ill be purchasing the 'true' KOTOR version for the PC ( its an awesome game...plenty of replay value), and will have to wait for JA. Its something I want to defeat on the PC.


So...you'll honestly have to wait as far as the Xbox version goes for JA.


But if you can run JA fine on the comp...then why not get it for that? So many more benefits for the PC version. And you need broadband for PC and Xbox versions ( u dont have to for pc...but jeez if your lucky enough to actually play normal with 56k you still get vote kicked within 20 seconds).


Its all preference I guess ;).

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Just to give you an idea on how good of a mod is available for JO, this is a tidbit on JKII.net that shows how Mike Gummelt, Programmer of Jedi Academy of Raven, had this to say about it:


Originally posted by Mike Gummelt on his .plan

Well, it's been a long time since I've updated my .plan file, but

I have a good reason. I just downloaded and played the "Colosseum" mod (by Jake Keating) for Jedi Knight II and, I have to say, it kicks ASS! This is the best, most polished mod I've ever seen for one of our games!


I am thoroughly impressed! The mod shows not only an impressive understanding of multiple and diverse systems in the game (the UI, the sabers, scripting, in-game cinematics, pre-rendered cinematics, music, mapping, modelling, texturing, effects, sounds, etc., etc.) but also a real "director's eye" for creating a compelling story within the context of exciting and fun gameplay... not to mention presenting the entire package in a slick, professional style! And I love the educational aspect of it, too!


If you have JK2, I highly recommend downloading this mod.."


"...Also, Jake Keating's website is: http://www.jakekeating.com


I hope Jake continues to mod (or get a job in "the biz") because he really seems to have an obvious talent for making games!



And thats coming from a paid programmer from Raven, so check it out. It is definitely a big praise when Raven staff gives compliments.


Anyways, back on topic. where were we again?

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Originally posted by boinga1

You bastard! :p


I say PC because there are more than 2 players at once in MP :rolleyes: , free patches (no XBOX LIVE payments), and because it comes out first! And if your PC handles JO, it'll handle JA.


I got Xbox Live when it came out, and have been pleased so far. Voice communication, a cheat free enviroment, and a locked down hardware setup (all Xboxes have same specs, etc) really makes it an equal playing field for everybody.


I like those odds :cool:

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Whats Dark Forces Mod do or Colloseum

or ProMod 3.1 do?


Dark Forces Mod is a SP TC designed to re-create the original experience of Dark Forces 1 in the JK2 engine with some enhancements. So far only the first level is playable, but it's pretty darn cool (it's one of the JK.net hosted sites).


ProMod 3.1 was the last version of Artifex's (of ASC fame) mod. It's sort of like those JediMod things, but he actually tried to balance it and make it cool. You can assign more force points to Sabers and Force or to "gadgets" and "weapons." So it balances the player between a super great gunner who can use items but has no force and no saber, to a powerful Saber+force user who can't pickup gadgets or use other weapons.


In addition he's included things like Jet Packs for added fun. He spent a lot of time on it and it takes some getting used to, but I'd recommend trying it out.

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