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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/26/22 in all areas

  1. I just want to know more. Any new adventure game by Ron is cause for celebration.
    1 point
  2. I don't usually look too deep into rumours because it's usually someone's shoddy attempt at clout-chasing, but a few months ago someone in a Monkey Island Facebook group directed me to a stream of MI2:SE where someone claiming to have been part of the animation team revealed in the chat that they were working on an MI3 remaster. Sadly this streamer doesn't save their videos so I can't direct you to it, but what made it credible to me was that they didn't just volunteer the info out of nowhere, they showed up to say "thanks for playing this game I worked on" and then was asked what they were doing now they said "oh, Hollow Knight 2, and this might be a spoiler but there's gonna be an MI3 remake". Someone also posted on another fan group about how a developer friend told then that the Business Dev at Disney let slip that a new MI game was being made and indie publisher Devolver Digital were involved, but who's actually making the thing was not said. Take it all with a grain of salt, I'm just less sceptical that someone in this community would stoop so low as to raise our hopes like that, and that this series is too niche to randomly make up something like this for clicks. Nothing's come of it since though, so idk.
    1 point
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