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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/24 in all areas

  1. It’s because I did the mix for the menu track, not Jared. Not that he didn’t give it the thumbs up (he said “yeah that’s basically the way I would have edited it, ship it”) but it’s not something that was on either of our minds when considering what the soundtrack should have. And he hasn’t got the source files for it since I bashed out the menu mix in Premiere, so he’d likely have to re-create my edit.
    1 point
  2. Not on Steam or Bandcamp, because they are done directly through a simple admin interface… but the ones that propagate to iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, YouTube Music etc yes they are a horrible pain to update because unless you are a huge record label with direct access to all those different backends, they go through a variety of middleware services, none of which are comprehensive in their tools or feature set. Many of them also have intrinsic hooks to their storefronts which are still hardcoded to assume pricing based on CD-length albums, which is part of why many soundtracks have just given up and release in “volumes,” even though for all intents and purposes it should be one album in the digital era. We tried to avoid that for the Skunkape soundtrack rereleases but eventually just decided to split the albums up on those services. (On Steam and Bandcamp they are single albums without volume distinctions.)
    1 point
  3. Well that I can do https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/upubfd4dvl30eaog0z2o7/env_office_cs_opening_e1_1.wav?rlkey=uane64i9w2y3kqz18xly59eju&st=q8pq9zry&dl=0 This lyric-free arrangement of World of Max was stuck in my brain for so long that I made it the main menu music of the Save The World remaster. Then we didn't include it in the soundtrack oops.
    1 point
  4. So i have tryed this solution whit two italian GOG setup.... i have both file: setup_escape_from_monkey_islandtm_1.1_(italian)_(20987)-1.bin setup_escape_from_monkey_islandtm_1.1_(italian)_(20987).exe After about 5 minutes i have obtain a file structure apparently completely useless.... a folder called {tmp} apparently contain all files but in a totally wrong name and all folder like 00 0a in all subfolder. How i can know what's the REAL name of the games ? A file called install_script.iss apparently contain all END path and real name but actually it's impossible to rename manually file by file. *EDIT* OMG Wait a moment........ now it's work....... i have relaunch innoextract and the .exe from terminal and now all files as created correctly!! Now try to add the GOG Italian 1.1 on current DREAMM 3.0b13 *EDIT 2nd PART* So.... let's get to the point. After i have extracted correctly the GOG package whit innoextract 1.9 (remember all files it's extracted on same folder you have the two GOG files.. so before to extract move it in a empty subfolder or something similar) it's only need to drag the entire folder on DREAMM windows and the GOG 1.1 as been added and can be playable whitout neeed to use NOCD or somethings similar. So..... we can therefore say that to date the GOG version is the best version available to use with Dreamm. Right ? I took one of the save files I put here and loaded it. I completed the game without any major problems! I obtain only one CRASH and games closed himself and i'm to my OS Desktop while I was trying to jog Herman's memory by throwing stuff at his head. All in all the game is playable also whit DREAMM right now if you use the correct store version in this case the GOG version. Ironically, even the retail CD version... maybe it works if you use the GOG Monkey4.exe But at this point i thinks if you want to use directly the RETAIL CD Version on Windows a valid alternative it's usage of "Quick & Easy" Launcher/Setup whit the NoCD by Skull (after you have modified the correct keys whit windows registry editor) On other OS problably the Retail CD Version it's also playable whit DREAMM..... lol... I've honestly finished this game more times in a month than I have in my entire 45 years
    1 point
  5. There is very little new music this time around. Season 3 was well covered. But Jared went through and updated the samples on almost every track, and did a new mix and mastering process on all of it, so things sound way better. We also got the usual session saxophonist to come in and add a little bit of live coverage to some key moments that were previously pure synth.
    1 point
  6. 👕 I beat #MojoleXtremiest #809 and all I got was this stupid t-shirt. 2/6 💚💚🖤💚💚💚💚 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 https://funzone.mixnmojo.com/Mojole/
    0 points
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