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Status Updates posted by Quanon

  1. My saberhilts are a bit heavy on MDLops and the export script. Think each hilt gets close to 3000polyies. They do work fine in the game; I've tested them in combats. But I wouldn't equip a 100 hostile NPCs withem :lol:


    I got Max 2010. I might not be able to open it...

  2. Never did any voice work before :p

    English isn't my main language though, it's dutch with a terrible west-flamish accent. :lol:

    Ofcourse this could be what you're looking for. What program should I use to do voices?

  3. newzzzz sounds interesting, though I was at battle with a Virus today on my PC...

    It made my Graphic Card go wild and weird.


    It seems to work now... I hope

  4. Nice look'n models :p

    Skins aren't bad either!

  5. No problem, I was planning a long time ago, to redo these tutorials.

    But Kaurora refusing to work on my WIN7 made me delay a lot of things.


    Now that I have a work around my Kaurora problem I can get back into action.

    Plus, it seems a few people are being quiet serious into 3D now. You and Canderis come to mind. I want to be sure you know what I know, so you don't need to go and ask everytime you run into an insolvable problem. :)


    The benifit ofcourse is that you can spread the knowledge as well, even improve!

    Keep it going, it's fun to have more area modellers on the boards.

  6. No problem, mate.

    Thats what the forums are for.

  7. No, not yet :(


    Worked on my Korriban stuff on saturday, but wasn't happy with it.

    Was kinda pissed at 3Ds Max, didn't touch it on sunday :lol:

    Anyway it made me ponder on what to do on that, though, a positive note:


    I got 3Ds Max 2010 running! With NWmax ofcourse :p

    So swapping files shouldn't be a real issue anymore.

  8. Nope, walkmeshes can be really bothersome. It's one of those things you often have to redo, rebuild and then suddenly it works :lol:


    Mind, that tutorial is a bit dated, I've found some other ways on how to approach things. But I never got to making a new tutorial.

  9. Not much, wasting time on watching BattleStar Galactica.

    And some modding, though nothing much to report on that yet :p

  10. Not much: Had 3 weeks of constant troubles with my internet.

    Had to buy a new modem/router, some new cables, had to call up the providors twice.


    So a bloke would come to the house and check things out... At last since yesterday things seem to work as they should again. Happy that's over. :p


    Reminds me I really should proceed work on that ship of yours... lazy bum I am.

    Been replaying that GTA IV episode: The ballad of guy Tony. Been great fun! :lol:

  11. Not really, this Xbox 360 has me hooked.

    Mainly because of Mass Effect :p

  12. nott'n much, besides lots of modding plans :lol:

    And working my @zz off, last 2 weeks where pretty crazy in the store.

    Was to be expected with New Years Eve and christmas.


    You had a great time at those?

  13. Oh dear :lol:

    Well, it's a good thing it ends up just being this little silly mistake.

    It happens to the best of us all the time ;)

  14. Oh downing RoR... Why didn't I think of that earlier o_Q

    I wasn't planning on using them for the signs persé. Just to have some fun with.

    I've been eye ball'n differant posing programs. DAZ and Poser, but none have those fun gamey characters. I sort of like 2000's game look, before bump&normalmaps where all the rage :lol:

  15. Oh, boy... I"ve had that before. Honestly I can't really remember what my fault was.

    Though, IIRC, it's the reason I do the PivotPoint => Center of Object. Then Resetxform.


    If you for example rotated an object, then restxform it, it can go whack. Pffff, I can't be of more help really :(

  16. Oh, dear, I totally forgot about your question o_Q

    Though, I must admit I actually had no clue what you where asking at first. :animelol:

    I'm not much into item/npc editing, nor the animation side of the game...

  17. Oh, dear...


    Thats a vague error... I can't really say what you could do, now :(

  18. Oh, found something else, that might "save" your model: for that low, euh strip along the walls. Is by adding in extra verts and connecting them, just like the stuff from my previous message: So in editable poly, select by edge, look for Insert Vertex (1); click along to add in extra verts. Then scroll down for CREATE (2) and connect your new made verts with the older ones:




    Did the same for those round corners at the end/ entrance to the round room.




    Now these last dudes, could have been the cause of trouble, though, its still iffy.

    Other then a few smallish clean up issues, I couldn't find anything that was wrong.

  19. Oh, hey HarIII.


    I've got some models hanging around on my HD that I can use to explain the Walkmesh bit. I got some extra days off, with the 1st november, I'll use them to create this new video. So hang in there, it's going to be done soon ;)

  20. Oh, hey there!


    I'm pretty fine, besides the ME 2 addiction ^_^

  21. Oh, how large is your grass texture? 512x512 or bigger?


    If you know you're going to do a large bit of mesh in the same texture, make it a big ( say 2048x2048). Like that you don't need to repeat it 20 times. It's not easy finding a good balance for this stuff :p

  22. Oh, I have no idea when Magnus will get it done.

    Though, you still need the originale NWmax.


    Mag, only adjusted the export script, not the whole plugin :)

    So I would download it.


    If you want, I can PM you this new "beta" version. With the updated script file.

    But be warned, keep the old script file. There's a small bug in the one Magnus made; mainly about exporting out walkmeshes.


    So at the moment you need to switch around files.

  23. Oh, I'll have to peek in my WIP folder, those textures are gathering a lot of dust :lol:

    I never continued work on the console thing though... hmm, might pick that one up where I left.

  24. Oh, okay! No problem, if you PM a downlinky I'll have a look at the files.


    What version Max do you have? And what version of NWmax?

    Else I can provide you with a link to my version of NWmax, I never had real big export problems.


    Oh, interested in doing another area model test round? Its my city :p

  25. Oh, yes. To get sabers to work in the game. Always use the Replacer function in MDLops. Also make sure its the oldest version of MDLops. IIRC 0.5 or something. The other 'newer' version give faulty sabers. They get misplaced and the meshes for the 'blade' get stretched.


    So the method is; get a standard double bladed hilt out of the game; with Kotor tool. You just need the BINs; no need to compile. Then name your new model properly. MY_SABER or AWESOMENSS. Something very obvious. Then just export out. With the replacer function; load in the standard dbl saber in the BIN slot. Your new model in the ASCII slot. Then its just a few clicks to replace the old hilt with your own.


    The new hilt always gets dumped in the folder with the old game hilts. it has a suffix k1-bin or something :-p

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