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Everything posted by HK-42

  1. hey disco I sent you a pm earlier today about permission for a mod ive made. In the pm it said if im successful. I was successful and I think I did quite well and if you would like to see the results I can pm you the images.



  2. thanks i appreciate it...it should be interesting to look through them...too bad it dosent download =(

  3. Hey...if you could see web databases like you did here do you think it would be possible to go to pcgamemods and get all the good mods before the crash?

  4. Glad you like it Revan

  5. HK-42

    i planned not to but got tempted....

  6. Yeah lol I planned not to

  7. Im back to LF =) But no more fics making With A name change Darth Saruman to HK-42


    EDIT: Crap I lied i made a fic[CANCELED] See why I didnt want to make one?

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