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Everything posted by HK-42

  1. I am afraid you got a nasty surprise when you get on....

  2. Hey Jae, I updated that Star Admiral Badge Recommend post like you asked.

  3. No problem. I was going to use the yellow dot but it said rude messages, spam, ONLY so I thought it would be better for VM. But ill use it next time.



  4. R.I.P man, God be with you...

  5. Hey MF, just wondering how do you make it where you can post tuts in the holowan? I noticed some nonstaff can and most cant.

  6. Hey J7, there is a thread in the holowan called Revan Vs Obiwan, can you please move it? It is kind of annoying...


    It has nothing to do with modding.

  7. Well I got a mdl.ascii file. But no pwk...Maybe the linking didnt work.


    EDIT: Got one.

  8. Ok I did that just now, I have a similar problem, you say do the same for the Aurabase....Since Im a modeling noob I dont know what that is :( But I do know I dont have one because I noticed a post by Quanon to hit the Fast Linker Button, instead of Draging but as I hit it said no Aurabase.


    This is what I have so far: (snip) any idea whats wrong...I can send you the file is you need to look at it...


    Dummy, Model, Walkmesh...

  9. I found select and link was looking in the wrong place. I clicked it and my cursur changed into the 2 boxes and chain. I tryed clicking on the walkmesh and the dummy but nothing happend. Anyidea what to do? If not ill make a thread.

  10. Yeah I remember looking there. I dont see it in gmax.

  11. Hey GM, thanks for the tut. Just got a small question, im using gmax and I got to the part on linking the PWK Mesh to the dummy, and I couldnt find anything that resembled the screenshot. So i dont know how to link....Do you think you could explain how to get there? Thanks.

  12. I like the new avvy, best mando one I have seen

  13. Hey LR just to tell ya my msn just stopped working so if you need to ask me somethin dont wait for me there

  14. The pics are great! By the way the workstation and footlocker wont be there, can you skin for the bed(bloodstain)? Dont worry about adding it to the room try and do that(unless you want to). Otherwise great job!


    EDIT: By the way i think the bed is a placeable

    EDIT2: Yep PLC_Bed1 is the texture name. Strange the mention of the placeable is in the git file but not the ktool module thing area.

  15. :lol: I was kidden. Talk to you later.
  16. You alive:stick: send me a pm over at TH.

  17. Hey GK did KF refuse your upload? or is it still pending?

  18. Thanks, most the modules are done, so its just getting the story implanted, and a miniplanet that is being made.


    Your mod is looking awesome, cant wait for it.

  19. Oops, I forgot to mention in the pm I sent you: Its for K1



  20. Hey Marius, I dont know if you noticed but there is a tut still in Holowan,(here by canderis) Could you post it in the Tut section so we can get to it faster? Thanks

  21. Sounds good, thanks :)

  22. Hey Marius, did you resolve the issues with getting that module in game?

  23. sorry it took so long to respond, I'm on my iPod and the links at LF are too small. Anyway I think it looks great! on the salt and pepper comment, I think it looks mainly gray but it us close to black and white. It's not necessary, because regardless it looks geart. Thanks for doing it:)

  24. Ok thats cool :D Thanks

  25. Hey Triggergod, I was just wondering how goes my hilts?


    Mesa just curious no rush. :)

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