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Status Updates posted by Master_Archon

  1. It's okay, take your time. :whtsmile:

  2. Gimme awhile to send you that PM. Kinda out of it today, need time to think.

  3. Will do. Will post in due time sometime on Monday, or Tuesday, depending on the situation, and such.

  4. Yes, well, my prediction is that he'll become a teammate, or at the least an ally. Since he leads a separate group of Geth and all.

  5. Not for me. I've gotten into the ritualistic habit of preordering (or buying) anything that is remotely better than the original version of the/any game. It's sad but true. (I got the Legendary version of Halo 3 when it came out, if my words don't prove it!)


    But it doesn't matter either way, the game alone is worth it! Oh, it's going to be so SWEET!!! *Goes into Joygasms*

  6. Ah, well thank you Sky!


    But no, I shouldn't have caused such unnecessary strife, even if you are a worrier. So I apologize. :whtsmile:

  7. So pumped I've gone blind! (which won't help me play the game one bit) Luckily I got enough money to preorder the CE online before it comes out this Tuesday!!!!!

  8. WOAH!!! Calm down, no one is going to shut your RP down, I was only talking about my post, you know, the one that was really pushy, and that no one was responding to. I took it down due to the lack of responses. After all, as a veteran RP'er I've learned that some posts can end up killing RP's, and I didn't want to be responsible for killing yours.


    If you want my post back up, then I'll put it back up, but if not then I'll make a new one.


    Other than that, I'm so very sorry for freaking you out, I didn't mean to cause you any panic, I was just talking about my own post and all, so please don't be upset, I'm terribly sorry! :(

  9. Lol, yes well, thank you all the same, at least you noticed! :D

  10. Uh, Thanks!...I think?

  11. Ah, that's good, bad that you're bored, but good for everything else! (Including watching T.V.)

  12. Being sad and nostalgic, reminiscing over old memories. You?

  13. You've been having conversations with everyone in the DTC forums? Busy bee aren't you? - JK


    As for RP ideas, yes I've had quite a few, but for the most part they are my own and cannot be discussed openly, and they are also still under development. In short: Everything I have in mind has to be kept to myself until I pretty much flesh everything out, and by then I'll have the RP(s) up and running on the DTC Forums.


    So look forward to those/them! :whtsmile:

  14. Awesome, I love Deadpool too.....Anyways, did Tysy let you be a ghost? And if so, if one of my characters die - maybe, that is - then they can join you, and oh the camaraderie we shall ensue upon others, and the humor too!

  15. Ah, the RP won't be ruined for me, I'd actually prefer it if I knew, that way I can know and understand what's coming next, more-or-less.

  16. Nope, never read it, not even in school. What's it about?

  17. What, the book you mentioned in Tysy's RP?

  18. Funny, yours is broken for the second time, and mine is too, irony I guess. At least you've got one to play on, I can't say the same.

  19. Oh, it's the greatest, second time getting it too! It's like double the fun and a joygasm to boot.

  20. Yes we should, once I send my console in for repairs and I get it back, that is.

  21. Uuuuuuuuhhhhhh...............Eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr...............................................................................................................................Maybe...

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