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Status Updates posted by DrPhil2501

  1. eh, not too bad... My girlfriend is keeping me busy tho. Thats wat happens man: they run your life :lol:

  2. whoops :s sorry, it didnt occur to me that someone wanted to play as the pilot. Your more then welcome to; just post your character sheet, and I'll edit my post once your done.

  3. we all like it tho, strangely... but apart from that, yeh my break from school has been good. I go back in about two weeks:cry6:

  4. lol its actually my best friends' friend from TAFE. Poor guy had to watch us do "things" ;) he's a bit shy tho...

  5. yeah, its still up for grabs :) I havent really thought much on the plot though, but I might be able to suggest a few outlines. The rest might have to be up to you and your imagination

  6. Sorry, I was busy. Thats awesome :D And for the Mecha RP as well?

  7. lol yeah i've only just recently discovered this. Been busy with studying for my friggin' exams. Wen do you start them?

  8. Nice to see you too. I hope things have worked out since?

  9. yeh, well... i won't go into full detail. Bad Karma... Lets just talk about something else... something manly. Like Beer, or Nachos....

  10. Not too bad. Just recovering from a holdiay with my dad :(

  11. haha thanks. I intend to do more in the future (at a time where I wont procrastinate so much) :p I'll be sure to return the favour, and subscribe to your profile aswell. Thanks alot :)

  12. Its actually Winter down here :p but yeh, thanks

  13. lol your welcome.


    Anyway, throw your ideas at me. I'm all open

  14. I back :) Most of you have either forgotten me, or perhaps genuinely wondered what in the hell happened to me... truth is, I do not have an explanation. Other then a few life hurdles being thrown at me, uni and new job. I could list them all, but knowing most of you geeks and nerds you'll probably just skim read them. I came back because I began to miss the RP's I participated in. It wont be the first thing I'll do, but I'd like to take the time to explore the lucasforums I was once a proud member of and how much it has changed. I'm assuming those scummy guys from the Monkey Island forums have not changed abit :p

    Good to be back. I'll keep you guys posted.

  15. Ok, but just so you know: this RP is based IN the Naruto universe. You're playing as one ninja pretty much. Dont worry, Im sure we'll see much of NaruHina ;)


    I also was sorta thinking: You know how a Hokage gets to have an assistant? Like how Tsunade got Shizune? Well, I think you get the picture of what I'm intending ;)

  16. eh its fine. I'll be throwing a bday party sometime during the September Holidays, so its all good ^_^

  17. I was sorta thinking Hinata.


    BTW, I was looking at your selected options. I like the mission idea, personally. It just seems more fitting.

  18. lol I thought you already have one. Well, the thing about facebook is when someone is adding you as a friend, you have the choice to accept it or not. Plus, they have upgraded the privacy options aswell. Again, I'm not forcing you to get a facebook. I just find it abit unusual that a person such as yourself doesnt have one lol. Then again, I dont have a myspace account nor a MyYearbook account either :/

  19. Don't wear yourself out with them "headaches with pictures" ;)


    And dude, I hate Sakura just as much as you do. So I say: "why the hell not?". Just nothing too cruel, we gotta give her some sense of dignity ;)

  20. Actually, DeviantArt is free. Its only the Premium Membership, if you choose to select, that you have to pay a fee.

  21. Hmm, I don't mind any amount really. But perhaps somewhere around less or above 10 people.

  22. lol yeah, so I've heard. But the series has to end sometime, doesnt it? :p besides, that doesnt necasarily mean its the end of Legacy. It could be the begining of something else for that matter.

  23. mmmm LadyRevan... I realise she is new, but I kinda disaproved of the idea of burning the ramen building down. It seemed too soon and NOOBISH :p

  24. lol I honestly never imagined something so unusual - I suppose it isnt hard to imagine something with many tentacles could multitask in the cockpit. If you're serious, then I guess your more than welcome to haha

  25. I suppose I could, given there is no harm :) The next story arc will involve finding a man who once escaped from the Arashi's Hidden Lair. The Team must find him, so they can locate the Arashi's secret hideout.

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