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Thanks for the mod of the decade nomination! I don't do much modding these days and don't visit LF as frequently as I once did. I was pleasantly surprised this morning. Thanks again!
I voted for myself
thank alot. Yup. Skyrim mods are a mess ... my papyrus is a real mess being level 67 now ... hehheh.
So 660 is ok for Kotor/TSL ... u r with a 660 or 660 ti?? a GTX650 ti BOOST should do it too then ... or a 670 ... should.
Yup. Kotor runs great. Having trouble getting it into widescreen though. Not the card's problem though. Skyrim runs really good but I've been having issues with many mods. Uses too much ram. Not the card's fault again, I believe. But I do highly recommend it! Going to buy a second card soon.
hey canderis, I think I read somewhere here u are running these games under a GeForce 660 ... am I right? reason: i'm updating my graphic card from a 1 GB to a 2 GB one, GeForce would be great, always worked great for me.
so, what I need to know is if u r running Kotor, TSL or ideally both and under which graphic card ... looks like u r also running smoothly Skyrim with it correct? perfect ... another of my favourite games. So???
thanks on advance
P.S. on other subject, let's just hope Fallen Guardian ends up for october Dustil Restoration ... heh heh... he's been sort of lazy lately
hey dude. Amazing hot chic that one of your profile
... heh heh.
That's from a game right? which one?
Georg please clear your inbox a bit, I can't send you any messages because your inbox is full. You must be very popular!
hey kristy, I am a BIGGGG fun of your modding. Kotor-TSL clothing mostly.
now, after giving u thanks for such a hard work over the years and sharing it
... I'm gonna ask if there's a quick way to remove Darth Malak (and Bastila if possible) from the ending cutscene of Kotor in the 2 Altered endings mod.
I know how hard u worked to place him there ...
but I'd prefer to leave away from Revan and the lightsiders the man who destroyed Taris, Dantooine and brought so much destruction to other worlds (and he turned out a little taller by using a wookiee u know haha).
I thought about removing the Malak utc (sta_45darthmalak) from the STUNT_58_s.rim, and Bastila's too if killed. Would that be enough??
thanks for your time
Awesome!! that was a fast edit ...
gonna use the first 2 for sure, thing is where to place them in-game ... I'm in the NO CHEATING club as u can see. Too soon to get them in the Harbinger after you're ambushed by lots of them, for my hard-way of playing ...
I'll see ... I always figure out something
Just please send the new files to DakDrexl@gmail.com whenever you finish. I haven't used that other e-mail in over a year hehe. Thanks
Already uploaded? wow ...
well at least u managed to contact a moderator to delay the upload, that's great. Of course we can upload the fix later at kotorfiles but it's better if they wait a couple of days so people won't be complaining there ...
And it's ok if u send me the TSLpatcher version
Well I did in fact upload it today
But it's ok I asked one of the moderators on Kfiles if they would not approve it so we can fix it
It's pretty late here now and the files are on my other computer so I will e-mail you them tomorrow, but the account i sent you stuff on before won't let me send an .exe file for some reason so I will be sending you the TSLPatcher version of the mod from another e-mail so do not be surprised and delete it haha.
Also, please don't rush the mod if you don't want to. Take as long as you need, there is no rush. I just appreciate that you're helping.