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Chevron 7 locke

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Everything posted by Chevron 7 locke

  1. Do you think you could post in the sith resurrection? :)

  2. Speaking of names for the twins, I have no clue what would work anymore. Do you have any suggestions for names by any chance?

  3. Woops! :p My bad. I forgot about that post. :)

  4. Hey Alkonium, I just realized that we never established how far along Alriana and Kalla are in their respective pregnancies.

  5. I just realized something. We know that Alriana is pregnant...but we never established how far along in her pregnancy she is. I'm was thinking maybe three and a half months. What do you think?

  6. Well, in my next post I was planning on having them move Kif from the speeder to the medical bay since he was left in the speeder for a few minutes. And Varik is only watching the door while Zarev is talking to Master Shan. :) Rest assured, I didn't forget Kif.

  7. Hey LDR, it looks like Light it back so if your still interested I'm going to see if we can start the Darkness Within back up. :)

  8. Would you be interested in working on the Darkness Within now that Light is back? I'm checking with a mod to see if it's alright if we start it back up.

  9. It looks like the Darkness Within is back up and running again now that Light is back. Are you still interested? :) I'm checking with a mod to see if it's alright if we start it back up.

  10. Nice to see you back :) I'll see if the others are still interested in working on the Darkness Within.

  11. That's a great idea! :D Shall we start it when the group gets back aboard the Ebon Hawk?

  12. Thats actually a better idea than what I was thinking :) But Xandros would be more then a little mad. He'd be furious because he feels that since he protected Alriana more than a few times during the purge and with all the sacrifices he's made he feels that Tavaryn hasn't earned the right to be with her.


    Do you have any additional ideas?

  13. I was thinking that after Xandros finds out Alriana is pregnant and the child is rescued he and Tavaryn could fight it out with each other to see if he is strong enough to be the guardian of the twins when they are born and Varith's daughter once she's rescued.


    What do you think?

  14. Ok, Just thought I'd ask. :) I was just looking through the album earlier and saw how awsome those models and items were.

  15. Hey J7, I was just wondering if you were still working on your K1 Force Fashion mod.

  16. Are you planning on posting in the Sith Resurrection? :) I had a great idea that I think could occur later on in the Rp :D

  17. I don't suppose you'd want to Join my RP Star Wars: Shadow's Reach? I just thought I'd let you know that it does take some elements from the Rising Shadows but it doesn't follow the same plot. :)

  18. It takes elements from the Rising Shadows but it has a different plot. I took ideas from the Rising shadows but thats about it. :)

  19. We didn't have enough people for the rising Shadows :( This new one is using some elements from the Rising shadows but it's basiclly it's own Rp.


    I'd restart the Darkness Within but Light hasn't been on in awhile and we can't really pull that one off without him.

  20. I'm back. I'll post later tonight.

  21. Just so you know, I might not be able to post in the Sith Resurrection for a few days. I'm having some computer problems

  22. No elves and Dwarves unfortunatley. If the RP ends I'll probably introduce them in a sequel. For now it's Knights, archers and magic users against warlords and an ancient evil :)

  23. You are correct :) Swords, bows and arrows it is.

  24. I got my RPers badge! Thank you so much for helping me get it! :D I owe you and LDR big time :D

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