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Mandalore The Shadow

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Status Updates posted by Mandalore The Shadow

  1. First of all i would love to and second of all not much how about you?

  2. They are putting out a new album they are recording now

  3. Well then its not as bad as i thought

  4. *Sig Reference* Why dont you like MCR they are my favorite band

  5. I thought it was funny

  6. what do you say i get rid of team mandalore?

  7. thanks for posting im going to leave the forums now im watching Sweeney Todd

  8. yes but not by much check out my threads at Ahto

  9. American Football is the real football

  10. Its ok ner'vod I'm 15 now

  11. Hey how are you ner'vod?

  12. i have to go [sadface]

  13. i only have one they are hard to find you know

  14. IF i did i wouldnt be riding a 3 headed monkey

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