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Status Updates posted by HIGH ON PIE 14

  1. Nah, that was Chloe O'Brian. You would love her. She is so quirky, she is on the show 24. I like it, but its so American.


    As to Cameron: I assume you have seen the terminator movies? If you have, you know they are cyborgs and don't have real emotions or anything. Cameron is a terminator in a 16 year old girl's form, in the new twrminator TV series. She says weird stuff and does not understand human behavior.


    Yeah, DY does have more. Wow you guy were busy posters while I was gone. I want my custom title. :xp:



  2. No but I thought about it! :lol: Yeah it was not easy let me tell you. Sorry it took so long to get this back, my friend called me about dinner plands on Wed. She's quite the talker.


    Well lets see...a bunch of my friends got wasted, they did not respond well to alcohol. I had to walk a few of them home...then again I had to be walked home once or twice. I got some TFP and K3 stuff done...we went to a Spanish amusement park which was a ride at your own risk kind of place...so many pirated DVDs there. But I got yo go to the beach every day. I went to the Gugenhiem Modren Art Museum...and I still prefer Rennaisance art. Had to meet the Spanish Department head today and I was approved for Hn. Spanish 4 so the trip was a success.


    I have terrible jet lag though. It was a 9 hour flight and I had gone over 24 hours without sleep. I'm still rather tired...but happy.



  3. No problem, just let me find it...


    O.K. here it is. Don't remeber where on the site I found it though...enjoy! :D



  4. No, Burnseyy got a rock from a volcano she visited and named it Oscar. :D What were you talking about?



  5. No, no, a 70% is a C-. I was the only one who got above that, got a 90% A (which is the lowest possible A :xp: )


    Yup, Jordan. :)


    We should form that group. Sometimes teachers suck up to the popular kids...sickening. Sorry to ditch ya now, but I was supposed to have this eassy finished an hour ago...oops. Talk to you later. If I get this essay done I should be able to update TFP this weekend.



  6. No, you were original. I said Hermione/Luna, not Handmaiden. :) Hehe, yeah, she does look like a lesbian, the hair and all that.


    And a great floodgate you opened too! I just hope I don't become the burden to you guys, but now that I'm back home I should be much more reachable. :D Oh, God, college, I guess I got to start looking for them next year.


    Yeah, we guys are pretty simple when you get right down to it...thats why we have such a hard time with girls, because we just don't understand them. You all are so complicated. :xp: Hey drunk kissing is still kissing...but yeah it did get old real quick.



  7. None as far as I know. But he can break into the bag that has his dog treats if he really wants too so...I'm guessing that was the case. He is a big dog though, at like 135 lbs ( about 62 kgs). At least before Spain, hmmm...*runs off to weigh Fred.*



  8. O.K. :) I'm typing up a chapter for my own fic right now. The first three chapters are already in the CEC if you are intersted. *more shameless self promotion* :D But I should be done in 20 minutes so I'll be sure to check it out!



  9. O.K. I just got your pm. Two or one...hmmm. Does not matter to me. It affects you and DYs storyline more. To mine it makes little difference. You two can decide. It is a little fact that is easily changed in my part. Whatever works best for you two. :)



  10. Oh yeah, Manchester, like Daphne from the show "Fraiser" (youtube it if you have not seen the show) I can tell you are English, but really its only a few words - like "I´m going on holiday" (in the states we say "I´m going on a vacation") but the Harry Potter books have taught me a bit, such as "row", "nutter", "prat" and "dodgey" which I put into my vocab. :)I probably sound dead American to you though, huh?


    Yeah, and that why I don´t eat it much when I´m in the states. :xp: Meh, pay no heed to the French, they hate Americans almost as much. They even tried to blame us for their population gettting more overwheight. Apparantly its the USAs fault that France decided to put like a few thousand extra McDonalds in their country. :roleyess:


    As for concept art: Honestly, the more, the better IMO. I love your drawings so I´m all for it. On the subject of art - would you mind doing a drawing for my fic? The problm with TFP is that its all new characters and its kind of hard for people to visualize them. I would be talkin about just the main characters just standing there, looking tough -nothing to complex. If you agree, I´ll pm you with more detailed descriptions of them.


    Funnily enough I took Mission because I thought she would be minor and not much work. Although I´m excited for the character now that she has a bigger part. :D



  11. Oh, God, I picked the worst possible time to go to Spain! :xp: I just started my fic and now this great idea comes out of the blue. I would love to help in any way I can. We all have different writing styles so if we combine our talents we should be able to write one hell of a fic. I never tackled the "KOTOR III" fic idea because I thought it was too big for one person, but I would love the group effort.


    Even if I manage to sneak on the computer to chat (which I'm technically not supposed to do) I won't be on for hours at a time like I am here in the states. So if we do decide to go through with this and start while I'm abroad - just pm me ideas, the parts you and Burnseyy have written, and things you would like me to work on. If I don't get back to you and Burnseyy, I'm not ignoring you...just can't get to a computer. I'm going to be in Santander, in northern Spain. It's kind of secluded so I'm not sure how many internet cafes are there. :xp: My laptop is busted, so I can't even use that. Hopefully I'll figure somthing out, cause this is a great idea and don't want to miss out. :)


    Also if you could tell Burnseyy to read this as well, I would appreciate it.



  12. Oh, I adored this new chapter. I think it's you best one yet...good action, suspense. You know Sri' has really grown on me with every line I red I thought "Y'know? I really like this girl!"



  13. Oh, I know, the sun always brings out my freckes. Makes me look like I'm twelve.


    Well I'm betting your math is much harder than mine. I'm sure you have heard about how cruddy math is in American schools compared to Europe. That and I'm only in Geometry/Trigonometry. Your probably in Algebra IV or something insane like that right?


    I'm sure you got good grades. Well done, nothing below a C? Wow. What are the GCSEs anyway?



  14. Oh, I'd be pulling my hair out if I were you. :compcry:


    I would recommend waiting before posting two fics at once...but then again, you are not me. Burnseyy has done well with that, but many writers find it terribly stressful having to keep up a steady pace for both. If you think you can do it though, then go for it! :D


    Unfortunatly, I can only concentrate on one fic at a time, and my next one will most likely be a TFP 2. My next chapter should be out in 3-4 days I hope. I'm going back and editing what I had already done, and adding more Gina stuff since she is one of the more popular characters.


    I suppose I'll have to be patient for a chapter from A Soul Adrift (I can't wait :D) Oh, and after all the crap we give BFA when he takes a while between updates. Hehe, oh he'll be commenting on this whole situation for sure. :xp:



  15. Oh, its great to be home. I was a nine hour flight, and essentially, I went with no sleep for over a day, so I have some jet lag now. Yeah I have not forgotten English though I tend to inadvertedly say Hola instead of Hi. But that'll wear off. :)


    Had a spanish project due for my American school today, but now that that is done I'm going to be Spanish free for the rest of the summer. :D


    At least you got that bit up in the K3 group...I have not posted any there yet...but I'm working on it, and its going quite well. TFP is going well, as far as the written part goes (several chapter ahead of posting)...as for posting...well my brain is mush right about now so probably tommorrow. :xp: How have the volcano's been?



  16. Oh, no not stupid. If I called it stupid I'd be such a hypocrite, as I constantly make reference to Gina's "burning eyes." After writing that stuff about Gina I totally understand what you mean about eyes. I could just picture Sri's eyes throughout the whole chapter.


    Thank you. :D Gina is sent to interoggate Nakaya, but Vorzar and Marit want to use her for something else. Oh, and Gina starts learning some slang. :xp:



  17. Oh, thats cool, I want a teddy dolphin! Oscar...thats a good name for a pet rock. I used to have one, wonder where he went...:D Hehehe, sucks to be that girl, having your bottoms fall off in public. My friend had her top fall off while going down a waterslide and she is a D cup so she got a lot of stares and wolf whistles. Her top had floated to the other end of the pool. :xp:


    Well your accents are awesomeness.


    AND painkiller?...:xp:



  18. OK. I'm just getting tons of new writing ideas for TFP and K3. I have to go write these down. Talk to you later!



  19. OK. I'm just getting tons of new writing ideas for TFP and K3. I have to go write these down. Talk to you later!



  20. Okay, I know this is long in the coming, but I finally read your rough draft. I like it very much, and I thinki that this is some of the best, if not the best, emotion you have written. The only thing I would sufggest is a bit more physical description of perhaps the robe fallling off or the surrounding area. But that is my writing style...honestly there is not much I can offer with this. Other than a bit more physical description...no other suggestions. When I read this I was like "wow!" I'll save the rest of my thoughts on the chapter for SiD.


    Sorry this took so long.



  21. Okay, my part is basically just Dustil meeting Mission, Brianna, and Atton, and seeing the enclave etc. Want to keep the first few chapters slow. Going off? Well I'll be on but typing up TFP, and probably not paying much attention to the goings on in the forums. Probably check in every 20 minutes or so. ;)



  22. Okay, thanks! :) I probably wont get to it until the weekend, though.


    Can you believe is only my second day of junior year and I already have three essays, a reflection, four worksheets and five chapters with annotations all due tomorrow?! Freaking insane...insane I tell you! :xp:


    I have not found time to post in my TFP or the CEC for that matter since I started school. I'll make sure to read your fic when I get the chance. :)



  23. Oooh, that sucks...at least your getting a new one though. :)


    I have no excuse for not updating TFP. I have chapters written, but type really slow...so they take me forever to post (I always use pencil + paper first). Oh, me and my laziness.


    I've been a bit busy, but I got a 3 day weekend coming up...hopefully get some typing done. :D



  24. Que tal? (thats whats up? in Spanish, now you know 3 words! :D)


    A bit. Been caught up with DYs SiD chapter, proffreading. I realized that I was a bit behind in the SiD fic. That and I had a major brain wave for new ideas for TFP.


    Obviously with the loss of Jorrin, CCI needs a new director. I'm going to bring a little more tension into the mix. Taran's little annoyances just are not cutting it. I'm gonna bring in the bitchiest person you will ever read about to lead CCI. Loads of fun writing for. :) And I'm going to bring in a KOTOR character. Possibly Mission. (you will see why when I post the next chp.)


    How is your K3 going, as well as Huntress and Quest for Revan?



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