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Status Updates posted by Yatsookey

  1. hey canderis hop on TH

  2. lol thanks wch but i dont pln on drinking even when i am legal, tasted it once threw up 10 seconds later....not funn the drink tasted bad anyways alchohol=ick

  3. hey InSidious do you happen to have the MDL and MDX files for the tatooine temple from your lost modules pack? if so could i have a download link, istorian was going to work on restoring the walkmesh for it so it may be used in the lost ones. thanks in advance


    EDIT: nevermind we found it sorry to have bothered you

  4. Thanks very much xD happy to be back

  5. kk we'll talk to ya later then

  6. Well in case you didnt catch it, canderis and i are working on helos as the tlo launch point so tlo will be compatible with BoS:SR, trig and i are having fights again, and thats about it :) hop on TH when you get the chance.

  7. ah, well thanks for clearing that up j7.

  8. Canderis i cant im grounded and only way for me to get on is thru my phone i can talk to you next saturday tho

  9. hey check this out, there was a discussion earlier about the kind of halfbreed trilaras is, so i went to wookiepedia and found that the sith halfbreeds were actually of massassi descent with the exeption of ragnos, so i decided to skin trilaras as a massassi to see how that went, heres the result



  10. Hey mrcharlton, heard you are working on a TC mod, i wish you luck but i have to say you'd be wise to start with something easier, all of these people that have been posting on your page are correct, TC mods take forever, and eventually fail, with the exception of The jedi masters, revenge of revan, and a few others still in production, even partial expansions are tough, my advice is, listen to everyone elses advice and start with something easier, i know you may be anxious to get on with your project but if you jump without looking your most likely to fall.

  11. Shem you should know about an imposter that has appeared on team hssiss of late, he has even posed as you and may be appearing on other sites such as filefront or LF, just be on the lookout.

  12. hey juan you've no doubt heard about loh so im asking you now, would you like to take over his position for the lost ones, i asking because of how highly he spoke of you and because you already support the project so much let me know via Pm and we can discuss the specifics

  13. sorry but i changed it to moderated group a few months ago because people started posting things about the mod i did not want the public to know, nothing against you but both groups are now for use of the development team only.

  14. yes quite sure, ive been doing some....special, modifications to tlo, and i think everyone is in for a nice suprise.

  15. Castiel, a character from the TV show supernatural, hes an escapee from heaven nicknamed "nerd angel" by the main characters dean and sam

  16. its Tri-edge from the dot//hack G.U. games, awesome villain

  17. Hey loh got your message cant check it tho im on my phone on the way home ill check in a few

  18. thatsa fantasticaa

  19. never used to be but this is my senior year and things are picking up quite a bit ill get you in the next time i have free time k and if you're wondering i am still trying to work on tlo

  20. loh please send me all of rothions voiceovers as soon as you can

  21. depends on what it is :D

  22. well small update demo and i are currently doing more work with the modules

    for tentanus, demo is making korriban look like it is at night and stormy, i am reskinning some of the characters to add a "drewton effect" and it looks rather good so far i still need to finish some more reskins and once im done i expect it to look rather well from there on i will be working on placeables and stuff until the time i need a scripter or something lse to make the powers, i really should get most of it done, excluding dialogue b/c i havnt gotten all of the lines sent to me yet

  23. yes.....thats the first time they've ever posted a mod of mine and been too lazy to review it

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