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Cyborg Ninja

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Status Updates posted by Cyborg Ninja

  1. So any upcoming plans for Heavy Midnight 2, and by that I mean is there anything I can do to help?

  2. so busy with work for college that its slowly driving me insane, how about you?

  3. so everyone gets a chance to build up their characters, I can make a quick secondary one who dies first. Unless you already know whose going to die...

  4. so how badly do you want to kill Jedi-Man's character?

  5. so how do you like The Forsaken Ones so far?

  6. so how have you been Skywalker, we haven't talked in a bit

  7. so how'd you like the post?

  8. so how's Karela doing? *evil grin*

  9. so I took a look at the back couple pages of the rp and im not exactly sure where to throw my character into, any suggestions?

  10. so im considering doing a superhero rp, interested? :)

  11. so is everyone going to see Konan now?

  12. so is everyone going to where Lyna is going next?

  13. so is Karela trying to leave Takai's cue?

  14. so is Katsu just like Kai?

  15. So what are you drawing and or writing?

  16. so what does Atrila need Cylax for?

  17. so what is Konan like?

  18. so what's new with you, how's school?

  19. So what's Walter like in the comic?

  20. so whatever happened to that Left 4 Dead III rp of yours?

  21. so whats new with you skywalker

  22. so whats that crafty Dai planning to do?

  23. so when will we be seeing Karela again, I miss her :(

  24. so when will we see Karela again?

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