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Status Updates posted by Ulmont

  1. ...? The Origional?

  2. Oh, and I probably should have mentioned this:


    Details that should appear (Parts pack mod)


    A crashed STAR DESTROYER imbeded in the upper left had area of the map.


    A Freighter in the middle area of the map.


    That's what I know is part of the mod (off the top of my head). It's also the most visible. (Play as rebellion. Consortium isn't supported on the map, and empire doesn't start near the objects). You'll have some Mandos near your base that you can controll. Just select 'em, or the massive amount of Soldiers and move them over to the top right corner of the map. If there's a big crashed star destroyer, then it worked.

  3. Why thanks. Just give me credit. I'm PMing you the download link right now. Oh, and can I get the medium stuff to work on?

  4. Mmm... Never tried one of those before. Sure I probably could do 'em. Why?

  5. Yeah I did, thanks. Sorry for the lapse in online time, I had to mop my kitchen floor. Somehow I managed to get myself surrounded with wet tile, without socks. Long story short, I now have a lot of bruises. :/ I'm gonna work on skinning those files now, and re-skinning my knees. Ouch.

  6. They're in the SVN repository right now. Go ahead and download, I sent you the invite.

  7. Ok, to get the map in-game do the following steps:


    1: Download it.

    2: Put it in you C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption\Data\CustomMaps folder.

    3: Run the game.

    4: Go to Singleplayer - Skirmish - Custom Maps

    5: Select Krimount (Might have some weird simbols after it)

    6: Select Rebellion as you Team, and Empire as Enemy Team

    7: Start the match.

  8. Wow... those are some... Interesting UV maps.

  9. 'K. Can you E-mail me your Origional Geonosis so I can Fix the Demolitions Sequence?

  10. Ok, create a CUSTOMMAPS folder inside you Data folder. Then follow the below instructions.

  11. Ehh... sure. I'm a weeeeeee bit busy right now (what with work, classes, any my plethora of 3-d modeling projects) but I'll try to work on the skin in my free time. Oh, and I'll have to dig through my hard-drive for the map, so once I find it I'll send it to you.

  12. PS. Don't forget to include the DX-6.

  13. SS, please check you INBox.... It's very, very important.

  14. Hey, can you send me some sample dialogue for the Fett Role? If you check out, I'll send you a script. Check out the group for more details.

  15. Eh, any particular reason why? We're practically making this into a stand-alone game.

  16. Ferc,


    I need some help scripting something, and I can't seem to create threads in Howawon Labs. Could you led me a hand? Here's what I'm trying to do:


    Script a NPC to be sitting down on a chair, and periodically take a sip from a glass. BTW, this is for K1.



  17. Ok, I just finished yet another medium armor. (Actually, I kinda cheated on this one. I just overlayed the Massassi armor over Darth Bandon's Armor and Presto! Scavenger Armor).


    Here's the screenies, as well as the icon for the Baragwin armor. If you don't mind, I'd like to submit the lot to KotOR Files once I finish it.


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  18. Thanks! As for your question, it depends on the map. I've been working on this map for years now. (Not solidy. A day here, a day here.) I've prabaly put in about 36 Hours Total into it. Personally I love making stuff like this. Maping for me is easy (I have been doing this forever now), but it can bee abit challenging to pick up. The Map Editor I used can be found HERE. The props packs is on that site somewhere, I'll give you a link when I find it again. It is loads of fun to make these thing BTW. I would say the hardest bloody thing is texturing it. Getting the right matchup is time-consuming. Feel free to tweak any of my work on it. (That's why I'm giving you the editor.)

  19. No problem vod'ika.

  20. Unless it's free and acknowledges LA then it can. (If I remember correctly, you just have to wipe out all unused resources)

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