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Giant Graffiti

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  • Favorite LucasArts Game
    Last Crusade. My favorite Non-LucasArts game is the Wind Waker..
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey VP, all of your mods that were uploaded to imagehost disappeared when imagehost died. Do you still have any of them? If so, could you reupload them?

  2. Your avatar makes a nice bear :D

  3. Your recent complement is well recieved. Thank you.

  4. All of your posts are the best fanfiction I've ever read.

  5. That avatar


    A 16-wheeler full of nostalgia just hit me. I remember that game.

  6. Now that so many LucasArts+ games are being released for Mac, are you going make Mac versions of your tools? (Or do you not own a Mac?)

  7. You don't happen to be a fan of Scrooge McDuck comics, do you?

  8. Hehe, no. :) I used Greek characters in my name because someone had already taken 'Giygas'. Sorry to disappoint!

  9. I can't beleive I only just noticed this, but the i in your name looks like one of the Turkish "i's"... You from Turkey per chance? I only ask as I worked there for several months last year! -- j7

  10. Every time I see your name, I still think 'Darth Moeller'.

  11. Your avatar brings back many memories to my head of a time when cartoons didn't suck.

  12. Happy birthday! :bday2: Have good cold one.

  13. Isn't that the reason why people join forums? :xp:

  14. Looks like you mades dem satan numbers right dur.

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