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Status Updates posted by Litofsky

  1. *blinks* Your mother? Ah, well, I suppose the Skype is for all ages! But something terrible has happened- people moved to a new conversation, but Skype says I'm in it when I never received the invitation.


    EDIT: O, BEE! A new chat was started with much success! GET ON SKAIPE NAO. That is a direct order!


    ...please? :p

  2. Bah, the Light Side! Sure, you get to ease your aching conscience/morals, but what about the power? :xp:

  3. Your Evil Mistress, you're leaving us! Please, without the rigid stability instituted by an evil lawyer, LF will collapse into an amorphous blob. *sniffs* Well, best of luck to you, at any rate!

  4. Achilles, save us! We need your assistance in Kavar's!

  5. Bee! <3333 Must come on Skype, Bee. There is much that I am needing to procrastinate!

  6. Hey, Mach. It feels kind of silly to say this, but I finally realized the source of your name. *headslaps self* Does it, in any way, reflect your personal philosophies?


  8. Gah! I am sorry, Bee! There was much sleepiness, and I slept. I shall make due effort to meet you on today!


    How goes Bee's life? Quite marvelous, I should assume. o_Q

  9. Bee, you must get online NAO!

  10. The computer is the crux of life, Bee! Without it, all else fails.


    As for the other movie, it was Minority Report, released about a year or so before AotC. They have several melodies and movements in common, and Williams wrote the music for both movies. The CGI destroyed the good parts (i.e., when Yoda came to save the day, and most battle scenes).

  11. I shall add you posthaste! o_Q



    Don't worry about it- my computer was acting up earlier, too. I cannot survive without teh Internetz, Bee! I nearly went into withdrawal. :(


    I concur with your analysis on their lines. John Williams did a decent job with the music (speaking of which, I've noticed that he's fairly unoriginal: he's repeated his melodies/main themes in two separate pieces of his that I've seen [in different films!]), but the lines and C.G.I. doomed AotC from the start.


    I IZ NOT STALKING. "Viewing Thread" is just the codename for "Moderators viewing hidden Mod threads." :p


    Oh, and Bee! I'm almost done with my second chapter! This is good news, yez?



    BEE WE MUST SKAIPE TOMORROW. Refuse and there will be a series of devastating wars that will ravage LucasForums and will bring the world to its knees. o_Q

  14. You're right, but he'll still take the blame. Revan defeats Anakin in every way possible. A military genius turned Sith Lord versus an emotionally (stunted, I want to stay, but challenged is probably nicer :p) kid/adult?

  15. Homework = semi-time-consuming. I can't exactly ninja out of class, dear Sabre! You must PM me your Skaipe name, lest I be befuddled in a schozzolation of confusion!

  16. Once more, "Concur, Bee!" If they screw this up, KotOR fans will storm Lucas' ranch and bring it down. Of this, I have no doubt. o_Q

  17. Quite so, Sabre! Quite so. Soon, you shall reach 6,000 posts, a momentous achievement indeed!

  18. Concur, Bee! Concur! It is certainly not art class, and the MMO is certainly not the KotOR III we expected. I am a bit disappointed that we won't be able to play as Revan, or even the Exile again! I just hope that we don't find a body marked "Revan's Corpse," or something of the like in the game. :(

  19. Much great news, Sir! I am now in possession of Skype! The world rejoices!

  20. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I have the Skype! o_Q


    That is all.

  21. Good day, Sir Sabre! You really should stop skipping out on your classes: the walls have ears and eyes, you know. I learned that one the hard way. Talk about ninja'd. o_Q


    And yes, I have completed my history blah-blah! Skype is on its way, Sir! Oh, and very nice new chapter. I quite enjoyed Prince Ahmed and his companion.

  22. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee! The Old Republic MMO was just confirmed! Wake up, get online, and prepare, for I am preparing to download the Skype (I'll only be able to use the IM, though- no headphones, as mentioned)!


    As for my history project, I had to draw a feudal manor. 'Twas a major bummer. I've already knew the stuff, but the teacher still wanted it done.

  23. Congrats on the moderator-ship, Avery. Don't abuse your power too much. :p

  24. No, I'm sorry Bee. I just finished my homework (cursed band concert!) about ten minutes ago. I've got to finish my history project tomorrow, and then I'll download it.


    One last question: do you need headphones (I'm kind of lacking in that department. >_<)?

  25. Well then, I shall suffer not, for Skype is in my future! I shall download it at the appropriate time (meaning in the next day or so), and then the communicating may begin.


    Sleep well, Sabre, and don't let the spiders bite. o_Q

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