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Status Updates posted by Litofsky

  1. The four great beauties? I don't recall their names, and I can't say I remember any facts for sure, but I believe that they were oriented with nature? I read about them over the summer, but my mind's melted a bit. :p Would you care to refresh my memory, or should I just Wiki it?


    The words for America? Meiguo? Beautiful country? I prefer to look at the word "mei"'s radical: sheep. I like to say that "The Chinese had it right, calling us sheeple." (Sheeple meaning "sheep people," or people who follow anything their leaders do.


    As for the tones, I'm alright with some, but stink with others.


    Bee has good day so far? It's around 1:00 PM, right? I've got some friends in Australia, and I checked: depending on where you live in Malaysia, you're around there, if I'm correct.

  2. The University of New South Wales, or did I get that wrong? In either case, enjoy and good tidings! When will you be departing? I should also assume that Mr. Bee is quite sad.


    Skype? Thou must tell me more of the "Pe" with the "Sky." It sounds quite intriguing, despite its reputation as a terrible time-sink. o_Q

  3. The utmost urgent call shall be answered!


    It seems that I have missed you be a mere 300 seconds, my good man. :(

  4. There shall be a gathering of the Skype tonight, for our communication of late is pathetic.


    To Skype, for great justice, my good man!

  5. Tiger. Cub.






    Screw your reverse psychology, I'm commenting anyway. :xp:

  6. Too much left to go. :xp:


    It sounds like you're not going to stop studying for many years to come. But if you didn't bring your laptop to your family, how else would you ensure a steady stream of information to your brain? o_Q

  7. Try the world, Sabre. The world. :carms:


    No, actually, I've been out with family for the day, etc. I shall make effort to show my face on the skaipe within today/tomorrow/oneyearorso. :xp:

  8. Very cool. I'm surprised that I got it! :p


    On another note, have you been watching what's happening in America (I assume in this statement that, like me, you live in the USA. Very American assumption :xp:)? It's kind of scary, in my opinion. So much debt, and the feeling that we're teetering on the edge...


    I guess only time will tell.



    Don't worry about it- my computer was acting up earlier, too. I cannot survive without teh Internetz, Bee! I nearly went into withdrawal. :(


    I concur with your analysis on their lines. John Williams did a decent job with the music (speaking of which, I've noticed that he's fairly unoriginal: he's repeated his melodies/main themes in two separate pieces of his that I've seen [in different films!]), but the lines and C.G.I. doomed AotC from the start.


    I IZ NOT STALKING. "Viewing Thread" is just the codename for "Moderators viewing hidden Mod threads." :p


    Oh, and Bee! I'm almost done with my second chapter! This is good news, yez?

  10. We do. Courses are pathetically easy, schools are lenient, etc. Of course, in my opinion, it's a bad thing, but knowledge can only be gained for oneself, and not by a school shoving stuff down your throat. *shrugs*


    I think that the movie was attempting to show the top students of each side, as opposed to the lower-achievers of every side (I do believe that common traits are visible in the lower-achievers across the world, and so showing them in different countries would be pretty pointless), in order to illustrate the differences between similarly-achieving students that are at the top of their classes.


    As for the engineers, you've got me. :p What happened to needing philosophers, scientists, or authors?


    I shall do my best, but I've a band concert tomorrow night (major pain), but I shall endeavor, Sir (but don't count on it. I do need my sreep).

  11. We shall cast the worthless Comet aside, Sabre- we shall cast it aside, we shall burn it with fire, and we shall emerge victorious, standing triumphant atop its steaming corpse!


    [whine]Sabre, I dunwanna do my Internal Assessmentsssssssss. [/whine]

  12. Well then, I shall suffer not, for Skype is in my future! I shall download it at the appropriate time (meaning in the next day or so), and then the communicating may begin.


    Sleep well, Sabre, and don't let the spiders bite. o_Q

  13. Well, as long as you're still sane... :xp:


    The site is pretty cool. It gives you a bunch of words, and I actually recognize some of them! *sniffles from proudness*


    Well, if my school's chosen for IB, and I make it in, I'd finally get out of the 'equal' American classrooms. I don't think that they (legislators) understand that we're not all equal when it comes to education- some people are smarter than others. I apologize if it's mean, but that's how it is in our world. IB would allow me to get away from the people that don't take school seriously (I wouldn't mind having a future, as compared to theirs).


    Bush has destroyed Texas. I don't mind the people, I just really hate Bush for destroying America.


    DnD monsters in Medieval Europe? *Imagines Charlemagne slaying a dragon with a jewel-encrusted sword* That might help. :p


    Sleep well, BeeBee! Be well rested, so that our immense conversation may continue tomorrow!

  14. Well, I should imagine that Sabre is a very good Beta! He is Sabre, after all. o_Q As for writing frenzied, caps lock isn't a very professional look, at times. 'Bolding' your words works much better. :p


    America's a giant bureaucracy. It takes forever for things to get started, and once they do, not a lot always gets done.


    Label my segments? Well, I try to keep a pretty good distinction between my two characters, so I'll keep their paths separate (until they crash into each other, that is :xp:).


    I iz sorry that you bee [/cheezy pun] schozzled! Sleep well. Zaijian!

  15. Well, if you're writing frenzied, I'd put it in bold. If you're trying to emphasize something, I'd put it in italics.


    I think that you meant to say 'At least most of your bureaucrats aren't corrupt.' We don't have much at a local level, but the higher you go the more likely you are to find corruption (and don't even get me started on Lobbyists [link]. They're essentially using legal bribery to get what their company wants done).


    And I'm writing in third person. I've written in first person before, but I think that third person will better suit my needs this time around.


    Wo de putonghua shi bu hao. Ni de putonghua shi hen hao.

  16. Well, it's more of a mini-essay for my World History class. My teacher gives questions, a due date, and tells us to get cracking.


    And yes, Bee has warned me that Skype is a terrible time-sink. This is so?

  17. Well, nonetheless, the land of Aussie must be fairly interesting! I demand stories, Bee. Stories.



  18. Well, that's good news. I've been on sporadically (school's kicking my butt), so I haven't been able to take place in all of the discussions.


    Anyways, I'm sure you'll keep things in line. Kavar's is now safer from flamers and other disrespectful peoples!

  19. Well, that's not too bad! If I recall my Aussie correctly, Brisbane is north of NSW, correct?


    So, Skype's free? I'm still confused as to how it works, but I suppose that I could get it. Allow my to ponder this decision, BumbleBee! I must give this matter deep consideration. :p

  20. What astounds me is that, with all of these taxes, the government has managed to get itself into trillions of dollars into debt. It's rather sad that we're that bad with money.


    Political suicide isn't a worthy goal according to the politicians, mach. The Democrats would have been done and over with, as you've stated, if it was 'proved' that FDR let Pearl Harbor happened. Did not Machiavelli state that one should use any means possible to attain/retain power?


    Perhaps we rebuilt Japan and Germany for 'colonies?' Not living at the time, I can only speculate, but I would assume that the US Government believed that they would benefits out of their actions- that's the only reason they do anything, really.


    Now, I really need to push out this chapter for my story. If I don't, I'll go semi-insane. :p


















































  23. What is your definition of "legal?"


    Ah, yes, the Siberian tiger. It fits well in most places of LF, and is just cool. Plus, it eatz the dissenters. Also, +2.342 Points of Awesomeness for the poem.

  24. When can their glory fade?

    O the wild charge they made!

    All the world wondered.

    Honor the charge they made,

    Honor the Light Brigade,

    Noble six hundred.


    Sire, we must band together and force my lazy ass to log onto Skype. For great justice!

  25. When you're here, you take what you can get. :xp:


    Alas, I shall not (I'll explain more when I return home, suffice to say that the Computer is in the hospital [as opposed to its deathbed :p]) be on tonight! Nonetheless, I have but two more days here, and then I shall return!

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