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Status Updates posted by Ataris

  1. hey. i'm back. i took a break from the forums for a while, and since the RP's I was involved in were dead, i forgot about it. but i did post in the new zombie thread. hopefully this time the rp will go smoothly and people will post on time, including me, lol. as long as we can get people to join it again.

  2. i'm definitely trying to distract myself....

    dang, i'm still trying to think of my favorite movies....XD

  3. well, honestly, i've been terrible, that's why i've been avoiding the forums. i think that i should get involved again, but if i did it would be to create something totally new and interesting....any ideas?


    and how've you been, man?

  4. I was posting to Mutant_Mix's character, but I guess she left, so I think I'll change it....unless no one else posts soon.

  5. Where do I sign?

  6. Any chance we can all regroup for Zombie War? Somewhere along the road there was some confusion and I guess I was supposed to post, but after that, since no one was posting, I stopped checking. And look where we are now. :p Smith is dead, so that's kind of a bummer....I think what we really need is something else to enhance the RP, but I can't really think of what that might be....Any ideas? Oh, and sorry for any delays in posting I might have caused, I honestly didn't know I was the cause. :D

  7. Well, this site is pretty interesting too, so it's all good.

  8. Oh, thought maybe I could discover a new video game. :D

  9. Hey, what video game is your avatar from?

  10. Oh, I thought that was when your character was talking to Wolf about selecting a weapon....nevermind, yeah.

  11. Well, then she really ought to have told me sooner, because I thought we were waiting for her. XD

  12. Hey sorry to bother you but do you still have a copy of Avol's Darth Vader mod?

  13. This is going to rock. \||/

  14. Hey, the Zombie RP was fun. :D

  15. Nice job on Zombies Walk, it was awesome. :D

  16. Zombies Walk was awesome. :D

  17. That was a awesome RP. :D

  18. Hey dude, the Zombie RP is ending :o.

  19. Thanks, but I didn't draw it. I wish I did. It would probably take me like 10 hours, but eventually I could do something like that.

  20. What happened to the Halo RP?

  21. Nah, I was just kind of being a jerk. Sorry. I wonder what will happen next...?

  22. Wait, never mind, I see how you made it easier for Vlad to shoot me now. And I guess for this RP you never really said we couldn't control other characters.

  23. Me and ComQ were going to do something different for that situation, and I don't feel like my character would actually do that to Sam when he was about to leap for Vlad....

  24. A bullet through the brain doesn't always kill. I learned that from X-Men. :p

  25. Yep, and there was Princess Q too.

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