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Everything posted by Darth_Yuthura

  1. So if Alayna goes searching for Bao-Dur, I'll have her confront Atris again to determine her part in that scheme. This leaves the possibility for other characters to go with her as well. If you want Bastila to see for herself that Atris had fallen... I would imagine Bastila would want to.


    Since she also respected the chain of command, maybe she doesn't believe Alyana should be in charge. I was even thinking a later confrontation would Have Bastila saying Atris was the only Council member remaining and deserved their loyalty.


    To Bastila, Alayna was an outcast that even ranked below her. To Alayna, the Order had died and she was establishing a new one... and her friends would follow only her.


    Is this too much for Bastila and the Exile to fight over?

  2. Last comment on pills! Ambien doesn't make you forget. Some people can sleep walk if they take it and don't lose consciousness. I have also taken it and tried to stay awake, but not remembered what I did after I took it. Those effects end the next morning... at least for me. You only forget what you did while you were on it... not much different from extreme drinking.


    Anyway, if Bao-Dur is conducting an investigation of the Hutt's freighters to try and find the bombs or sabotage, he can't understand how one could slip past his new security measures. When Exile arrives, they both come to a possible conclusion... a force user could slip through... as Alayna had while searching for Bao-Dur.


    This could lead to Alayna trying to set up a way to restrain the saboteur in the hope s/he could become a part of the order.

  3. Well not all sleeping drugs have the same effect. I would suggest just finding one you almost certainly KNOW works and just keep it on hand, but don't get hooked on it. Anyone who would say sleep doesn't matter and life goes on... must not think much to the future.


    A simple problem today that is devastating to only this day is not just one thing... it's one more thing! This is depressing for you, so I'll stop there.


    I've considered how the Bao-Dur Yuthura issue will take shape. I was almost thinking Bao and Alayna meet up before hand and try to work together to stop what is destroying the freighters on Sleheyron. That would be a chance for some emotion beforehand and I could do the following chapter through Yuthura's perspective. I would do what it took to set up the character so no one else would have to. What do you think?

  4. Have you gotten any sleep? I guess it's new that I'm asking you about sleep, but I'm just concerned that you're trying to, but not getting enough rest. I'll tell you that when I was in college, sleep was not something that I wanted to face on top of other things.


    And despite my own problems with sleeping pills, I think you should at least see if anything works and start by using them only when you must expect a decent night's sleep... such as for an exam. If you are alert all the time and simply only need 4 hours per night, then there's no reason to try and get 8.


    If you are groggy for much of the time... then you should see to it that you get whatever hours of sleep you need and at the exact time you need it. Pills may not exactly help you get ALL the sleep you need, but it would at least let you know WHEN you do.

  5. It's 1:00 AM where I am and you should be seeing the sun about now. I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave you to find sleep on your own. I can't stay awake much more... and you should just try again. I'm going to listen to fredrick winters, thr hypnoytist now and see what comes out.


    I will say have a great morning. I'm going to be asleep soon... you try to do the same thing.

  6. Alright. It's your choice. I rather like staying up at night and knowing there's always going to be another soul on the other end. I could keep giving you a list of everything, but you've likely tried it all or didn't want to.


    Maybe you can buy one of those hypnotism CD's or something. Just lay down and try not to think. If this is boring, then don't fight to keep staring at your screen.

  7. I've got some great advice!


    Find the largest book you can get your hands on... and smack yourself over the head with it. If that doesn't work, then I'm outta luck.


    Or try reading it... that is not pleasant, but it always works for me.

  8. For the year I was on ambien, I would get to sleep at midnight and wake up four or five hours later, refreshed. This continued for a long while after I got off it.


    I'm not saying that you get get on another drug, but if you're sleep cycle is out of sync and you can't determine when you sleep... the hours you save are worth that much. At least they were to me. If you're just suffering from withdrawel right now, it will pass. If not, you should seriously consider pills only when you need them.

  9. For the year I was on ambien, I would get to sleep at midnight and wake up four or five hours later, refreshed. This continued for a long while after I got off it.


    I'm not saying that you get get on another drug, but if you're sleep cycle is out of sync and you can't determine when you sleep... the hours you save are worth that much. At least they were to me. If you're just suffering from withdrawel right now, it will pass. If not, you should seriously consider pills only when you need them.

  10. Well I should take a note from my YB story and learn from it... A lady set up a joke for me to follow... I took it a bit literally. Fortunately I only did it to myself, so no harm done.


    I don't get how you can still be awake! Is there much on your mind... are you kept up by loud music from the neighbors... are you drinking too much tea... what?!


    PS: I wish I had your energy.


    Any yes. I did get addicted to ambien and have been on it for about a year. At some point, I realized that I started being able to sleep w/out it and started withdrawing from it in a relatively peaceful manner. If you are having sleeping problems, you should try to get that under control. It was better to be hooked on the pills if it provided a stable sleep cycle for me.

  11. Well if it was that bad, I wouldn't want to talk about now, would I?


    I'll just say it didn't involve alcohol and I did it out of sheer stupidity... it was more like an act of childishness than anything else.

  12. Well I've gotten addicted to those sleeping pills to the point where I couldn't sleep without them. The only reason I was able to get off them was through exuasting myself to the point where I couldn't stay awake. I had to do this for at least a few weeks before I was completely off them.


    Sorry, but you either have to start exercising EVERY DAY or take ambien. If you don't, enjoy the view of your ceiling each night.

  13. Well I've been going out lately and come to the realization that I don't understand social situations as much as I'd hoped. I just made a fool of myself for something I simply didn't understand.


    That incident will be on my mind for sometime to come. I'll try and twist it into a positive thing: If I don't understand... ask... don't guess. The next time that happens, I'll remember tonight... and not make the same mistake twice.

  14. God! I seriously thought your computer was just logged on, but was in sleep mode. I meant that as a joke that you would see later on; I didn't really think you'd still be awake.


    You should take ambien for the sleeplessness. It works!

  15. If you're online... you're not? What is that supposed to mean?!


    I may just stare at this screen for hours wondering why you don't respond. Are you just messing with my mind or something? I really am socially inept!




    Oh I get what you meant. I thought you were implying that you'd be logged on, but not actually be on the computer until later. Still I get what you mean by that.

  16. Well finding a great writer like you is like a dog who speaks... very rare.


    Finding one who also doesn't sleep is like a dog who speaks Norwegian... even rarer!


    Well I appreciate posting with you, but I've run out of time. I'll answer your next question when I get back... I don't expect you to be awake at that time, so until then. Have a nice evening... 15 minutes of it at least.

  17. Try looking for foreign names. Juhani is a Norwegian male name... did you know that? (Like there's any reason you should!)


    I would just assume there are so many names in so many cultures that all you'd have to do is look for Japanese, Ukrainian, and maybe even look at the names from Wookiepedia of different species... you'll find plenty.


    I guess we now have a more stable foundation for chapter two. I hope everyone enjoys trashing Atris as much as I do!

  18. We need to work on names! lol


    There's Revan, Exile, Alyana, and Revan's alias. I won't go into detail about the alias, but I don't know if you mean 'Revan' is the dominant personality. I tried to say that the alias was the dominant while Revan's memories added to the alias and formed a completely new person.


    If you didn't want to address the subject of the alias... being what I chose to do... then I'll stop here. I just wanted to know if Revan was only that personality or the combination of the old and alias.


    Revan is still your character, but I just wanted to gauge my version as well. Thanks.

  19. I guess I have some more time before I'm drawn away.


    I do like the idea that great characters bedefined more by their weaknesses than their strengths... although they are both very inspiring to their followers. I would almost think Revan's flaw be that he believes others will follow as they did the dark lord.


    This is your character, but I think where the exile may be too modest in her own talents, Revan may be on the arrogant side. This could be like one complimenting the other, but it might not be what you are aiming for.


    I do admit that Revan's alias has been 'what he's known all his life.' I won't contest that. I think it might be great if 'Revan' was still not the dominant personality... he still isn't at the end of SiD, but that's just me.

  20. Are you not going to make her stodgy and arrogant? Is that some kind of joke?!


    I think Alayna should follow the path of the sentinel... as most players do. Her greatest flaws in skill I think come from that she inspires and leads, but doesn't regard herself highly enough to act as though she's always right. (A leader must always act that way, even when she doesn't think she is right) She's a natural leader, but has never truly perfected her talent as Revan has.


    What do you think of that?


    You can choose Revan's alias, but I make the point in SiD that the Dark Lord was who he really was... the alias was always only an illusion. Although he preferred the alias, he came to see that he HAD to have acted as the Dark Lord for a reason and would take to his true identity fully. It doesn't mean you have to follow that.

  21. Thanks. I'll more importantly try to emulate your characters as best I can. I'll not have much trouble w/Bastila, but Bao-Dur, Mira, Mission, and even Atton may be difficult.


    Your earlier question 'how atris comes in to the story'... I was thinking that Alayna hears Citadel Station had NO record of Bao-Dur being there. Because she knew there had to be an explanation for the lost data, she discovers that the Telos academy was not only siphoning power, but had a data link as well. The only explanation was that Bao's work records were deliberately erased and Atris seemed capable of pulling that off.


    Maybe Atris knew the station was going to crash without fuel, so she arranged to have Bao-Dur do the work for her... since he was the only one with enough resolve to do it, she arranged a ship to take him to Sleheyron and deleted the records of her illegal activities. When that is discovered, Alayna (and two others) goes to confirm that Atris had deleted several records that included Bao-Dur's departure from Citadel. Atris's motives were purely driven to save the station by whatever means she could... even risking Bao's life.


    I'm not aiming to go back and forth right now. I just needed to see what you thought of the two/birds/one/stone idea. If you have a question or complaint about this, I'll get back to you. I'll be offline in about fifteen minutes.

  22. I really don't know how that kind of thing happens. Maybe she was too afraid of the risks by growing too attached, so she had to push him away for both their sake.


    After he goes missing, Alayna is forced to address her feelings and wonders if she really preferred to not take the risk to avoid confronting her loss. For a time, she thinks he's gone, but once she's found him again... she forgets all that. Since you will be the one to initiate their first scene together, I should just let you define the nature of their relationship.


    My version of the Exile will be revealed in the next two or three chapters and you can choose what you think works best then. Alayna is not free of emotion, but rather uses emotion to act for the best.

  23. Alright. The next time I use Alayna, I'll have him in the back of her mind, but not ever thinking they were above close friends. I will not add anything that would make it harder for you to do Bao-Dur. I'll describe Alayna's feelings, but not develop a character that you haven't even started.


    As the project progresses, we will have to use other's characters. I'll try and keep them true to the other's descriptions and behaviors, but you may have to directly edit some of my content for the next two/three chapters so I don't form your character in a way you don't want him. Does this make sense?

  24. I've also found a way to make it known that Bao-Dur took off w/out anyone knowing what happened. Atris still had a link to Citadel Station and deleted all records of him ever being on the station... maybe to use against the Exile. This is not aimed to throw dirt on Atris, but to explain why no one knows where Bao-Dur was after that.


    I'm not implying you're inept at emotion... I just don't know where exactly the two characters should start out. Should they already know each other's feelings, or still only be implied? I can see another relationship that was forged through mutual respect, but I don't think it would take as long for them as it did for Revan and Yuthura in SiD.


    I'm not carrying that plot bunny UNLESS YOU TWO WANT IT. If I don't hear anything on that, I'll assume that Yuthura/Revan didn't happen before K3.

  25. At the end of SiD, Yuthura returns to Sleheyron to try and free the slaves she left behind. Her intent was not to hurt the Hutts, but to cut off the source of their funds. If they couldn't get any profit from the planet, the Hutts would not be able to afford more slaves and may have to leave.


    It was not revenge, but instead of freeing slaves directly, she focuses her efforts on preventive measures. I did have other activities she's also done to help thousands or even millions of slaves that haven't been sent to Sleheyron.


    She is not irrational, but she's not acting like a jedi either. She just does what she can to cause the greatest effect for the slaves.

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