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Everything posted by Darth_Yuthura

  1. About seven pages make up what I have... with


    courier 12

    Double spaced

    Used in Appleworks(often longer than Microsoft Word documents)


    Since Lucasforums doesn't have a standard page size, I have to go by # of words instead of pages. My average chapter size with these specifications comes to 20 pages a chapter.

  2. I've got 2059 words. Odds are I'll go for another 500.


    I don't know what A4 means in word processing.

  3. I've gotten some dialog with Visas, but I still have yet for her to tell Alayna about how the prophecy that Kreia spoke of was not going to be fulfilled by simply acting upon them. They had to come naturally. That has yet to be written, but I've started the dialog and have about two pages to go.


    Btw, Viron sounds great.

  4. Very good! I'll definitely be gone in about two hours, but may be offline sooner. I'll check one more time in two hours, but after that... hope you're asleep by that time.


    PS Choose whatever Revan name you prefer... I'm biassed for names that start with 'A.'

  5. Alright. I will not go over what happens with HOP until he gets back and is in regular contact. I just want to be sure We've covered everything so that when he and I start working, we know where you stand in this.


    I'll stop this now and wait until all three of us can sort out the wrinkles. Little details like this are very minor, but can't be dealt with yet. I did interfere before because I/we don't know where HOP stands right now. I'll drop the Dustil/Carth thing until later.


    I liked Antwon. I should not determine the name though... that's just my favorite of those you gave.

  6. Sorry. I meant to erase that previous response. This was the message I meant to give you.




    Alright. I should ensure HOP keeps that in mind while he's writing his part. The problem now is that Dustil ends up on Dantooine, but I would not understand why Carth wouldn't know about it. Would it be assumed that Carth believes Dustil is going to Dantooine to meet up with Revan... the Masters?


    It's little issues like this that we'll have to overcome from time to time. I'm sure it's just because one is separated from the group.


    I guess I will just have to wait to see what HOP has on his mind.

  7. That conflicts with the matter if Carth is providing aid to the new jedi Order. Odds are that if the Order were being established again, they would need aid from the Republic. I suppose that the aid shouldn't come in until after Carth meets with the Exile the second time w/Bastila. And it could make more friction if Bastila didn't expect the Exile was capable of committing to such a feat as restoring the Order alone. Any problems with this?


    If I may suggest/ask/request, if Bastila and Carth speak with each other, could there be a point where Carth says he could channel some resources from his influence in the Republic to the 'new order' before they go to Dantooine? It would make sense if Carth addresses what he could do before they actually meet the Exile. The jedi don't have enough resources of their own to go out and re establish themselves w/out life support... Carth's support within the Republic. What do you think?

  8. I sent a request already, but haven't gotten anything yet. The subject of where names are is unimportant, but I just want to ensure this doesn't result in a hard feeling over a minor issue. The names would also be alphabetical. Right?


    I would like to get an idea where exactly Bastila and Carth leave off. The second chapter is still not a priority, but I just don't want to put in info in chapter one that compromises things later.

  9. I'd like to see if there is a way to attach all our names to a single thread. If readers simply see three names, that might encourage more views than if there was HOP,Burnseyy,DY alone. Although it really isn't that one person taking the credit alone, the first impression by new readers is that it's a story by (HOP) even if all the names are attached, the reader would have to open the thread to see there are three authors.


    This is really a minor thing, but the first impression is critical and I'd like to find a way for all three names to be displayed on the thread page. I'm more interested in clearly showing three authors... not really having my name absent or on the cover. Does this sound ridiculous to mention?

  10. Sounds great. Good luck with that... you'll know what I mean by 'luck' if you've read the last two chapters of SiD.


    Hear from you then.



  11. I know you'll be off soon, so I'll try and make this the last response.


    I will have the Exile return after chapter two has already begun. Dustil should leave off with the expectation he doesn't meet the Exile until next chapter. You'll have to ask Burnseyy... as will I... where she will leave off in the first chapter. For now, all stories remain independent, so don't worry about setting the stage, but try to limit your interaction between our characters on Dantooine at least until we've started writing for them. Agreed?

  12. The first chapter is almost always unique. It doesn't mean you have to make your piece as long as mine... mine is the very, very first one. And I would like to try and avoid putting our names on every single piece to say 'I did that piece there.' Simply giving all the pieces of a chapter to a single group member is alright with me. We would just have to rotate among the three of us to not put any one above the others. I'd be happy to have a piece be listed as yours or Burnseyy's.


    I'll see about getting all three names on the starting thread from a moderator.

  13. My piece is currently about 8 pages, but I still have to conclude it... which means dialog between Exile and Visas. I expect 12 double-spaced pages w/12 size font. And I really would like to have all three of us submit the first pieces at roughly the same time to CLEARLY declare that this is a group project. I don't know how to have a thread that identifies that three people have started it. The first one to post will be the one who's name will show on the thread. The other two would show up only if a reader opens the thread.


    I think that it would be better for future chapters to give all pieces to one person and they post 2 or 3 in one response. This is still a ways in the future... we'll deal with it long before that.

  14. I was intending to have about 12 pages of double-spaced pages. That would lead to a 'monster chapter,' but if we divide the chapter three ways, it could be like the fanfiction "shattered knight." If you've read it on Fanfiction.com, you would see all the chapters are huge, but are divided among different characters.


    I don't know if we would do this where all three have a part of each installment, or post individually for single chapters. Simply dividing the perspectives could provide a fresh start for readers between chapters. And we don't have to rotate everyone perfectly and in a set order.


    I would say not to worry about how long your piece will be. If it's better to be longer... make it longer. I don't consider chapter lengths to be as significant as character pieces like Exile and Visas on Katarr or Dustil going to Dantooine. We just have to ensure we can keep certain story aspects consistent among the three of us.


    Do you agree with this?

  15. That makes sense... the fewer who know, the better. I'm going to have to clarify this with Burnseyy so that this is known before anyone adds to the story if the jedi receive aid and in what way. The shell of the enclave would remain in ruin until the lower levels are up and running... giving the illusion that the enclave is still destroyed by the people of Dantooine.


    This is a statement, not a question. You don't have to respond if your time is limited.

  16. I'm logged on. I like the idea that the sublevels are intact, but I don't know if we want the Order to already be receiving aid from Carth... after TSL, or if they are completely independent from anyone.


    I think that Carth would have provided resources for the Jedi to be re established... such as small ships, computer equipment, and some construction crews. What do you have on your mind about the jedi receiving outside aid?

  17. Coursework is one thing. Personal projects are another.


    I never imagined I would do another story before I finished SiD, but as the story became longer than I ever expected... I have to put my effort into something else. I did think about doing the K3 thing by myself to get a target for where SiD would end. Now that I've seen the chance to work in a group project, I was very glad that a suggestion has started being put into practice.


    With more than one author, the story won't go EXACTLY as I want it, but it also means it is less likely to stagnate or be riddled with flaws. Two others who also write and make corrections means the story could go up to three times as fast with much greater quality.


    One issue I've had lately is the fact that only ONE author could post this and the other two would have to take credit on the top of page one instead of on the forum page. I have no issue with having another's name on the forum page, so you and HOP would have to settle that at some point.

  18. I don't have that ability to shift tasks so easily. I am getting the K3 thing done because I've lost inspiration for SiD. A while without it should reenergize my inspiration at some point. When I can set K3 aside for a while, I'll be back on SiD.


    I don't get how you would like to go through three separate projects at once. I'm irritated because SiD has stagnated. I can't imagine what it would be like when you have three deadlines to meet at once.

  19. Well I am trying to keep a consistently growing profile and posting many times instead of one long one makes more sense to go from junior member to veteran. Once I'm at that point... I guess it really doesn't show that much. Maybe there is no point in rank here?


    There is another site where I posted my story and vanity and number of post are what you're judged by. I guess I should shake that and focus effort into my story. Replies are better than posts!

  20. Better than falling asleep in Wisconsin. When you wake up, you'll look like you've got small pox. )mosquito bites(


    Have you ever seen a show called 'Fraiser'? One of the characters looks so evil because she has deathly pale skin. I think the red hair compliments you better than black on her.


    Anyway... you likely don't want to be bothered by pointless questions, do you? I've noticed how you seem to be 5-10 posts ahead of me. Are you just trying to keep in front or is that just my imagination? I remember a few weeks ago when we posted 30 each in one day... keeping you 10 ahead of me then. I admit that I try to keep at pace with you, but you always seem to keep five steps ahead of me!

  21. I think you'd look good with a tan. Of course I would prefer you not subject yourself to UV rays if you can avoid it. My Grandmother died of skin cancer, so that's something I keep on my mind. My mother also has it to a limited extent, but it's managable. Just wear the most potent sunscreen you can.

  22. I suppose when one stays inside all the time, that's what happens. lol


    I'm not making fun of you, I also have pale skin. When I am outside, I always wear long sleeved shirts... partly because of the UV rays, but more against the little bloodsuckers. I have an unusual tan line at the wrists instead of the shoulders.


    And of course, I spend the rest of the time inside. I'm surprised I don't get burned by my computer screen. lol

  23. Where exactly are you going?

  24. Wow... that must have been some book.


    Since I haven't read it, I don't see the parallels perfectly. Are you saying that it would be like the prophecy would only come true if things were allowed to happen naturally? If Visas was destined to see what she was meant to, it would not happen before the proper time?


    So even if the Exile knew of Mira's death, telling her about it would not exactly save her. It could inevitably be a self-fulfilling prophecy that started because Mira knew about her inevitable death and was cautious of death at every turn... a mistake for a jedi.


    I'd like that idea for Mira... for a short while before she realizes that she can't revolve her life around the fear of a prophecy. Then she has no regrets when it happens because she faced that fear and lived a full life w/out yielding to it. Or her death never comes about... whatever you prefer.

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