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Everything posted by Darth_Yuthura

  1. I've been trying to conclude what I already have, but don't like the ending I had in mind. I wanted Visas to believe the Exile was going to Katarr, but not to take her specifically. When she is told that she was the reason the Exile separated from the jedi on Dantooine, she says the Exile had squandered her time by going to Katarr for her.


    This was meant to show the Exile explaining why 'perfect loyalty' was not always a good thing. And she also explains what Traya said about Visas seeing what she was meant to. Visas says the Exile shouldn't trust in prophecies... if she was meant to see anything on Katarr, it would not be unless it was for a reason... not because she was brought to the world.


    How does this sound?

  2. So... did you have any strange nightmares last night?

  3. 8/12


    It looks like you got a very restful sleep. I've never been glad to see '0 new messages' in the upper right corner of the forums. I just hope you weren't staring at the ceiling very long.

  4. My network just hesitated. If I drop offline, then it's because of that faulty connection... it still works, though.




    Seems alright now.

  5. I hate England! It's higher in latitude, but you've probably never seen a real blizzard... you've never seen a mosquito? Well they're extremely tiny less then 1/5 a gram. Their sting is on the borderline of a tickle and pain. I also am phobic to needles... so that makes it worse.


    I was thinking that K3 takes place within a few weeks of TSL. I think the jedi enclave should not yet be complete on Dantooine. I would imagine Bao-Dur would only have been lost a short time. Does that sound reasonable?


    Kotor 2 takes place about 5 years after Kotor 1. Malacor about 10 years prior to that.

  6. I'm back. Didn't cut my leg... I just got bitten by an unending lot of mosquitos. Earlier this year, we had a huge sum of rain and now they've multiplied.

  7. Well I'll let my actions show how much I back my words! I've got some work I have to do for at least the next hour. I'm going to have to leave you high and dry for a while. See you later... I'll likely get my leg cut off because I abandoned you just now... Karma!




    A heard a priest talk about sacrifice yesterday and I didn't appreciate what he talked about. He made it seem as though everything will work out if we are just patient and have faith.


    My perception is that life NEVER is fair. It doesn't mean anyone/everyone will suffer for no reason. It just means that there is no reason to assume things will work out in the end if we hold true to our cause. If someone wins the lottery and he's a *******, that's just the law of probability. Our perceptions of the world just make things seem more or less intense because we see it happen. If the world was full of the same ********, then it's no surprise.


    I think humans would be much better to assume the world is just random and easily biassed. All we can do is try to adapt to the bias and not trust in luck. Nothing is certain, but the more we work to be decent, healthy, and prepared... the less likely we will fall victim to a stroke of bad luck.


    Master Vash said this in SiD. There is such a thing as luck, but I believe it's nothing more than the right or wrong combination of opportunity, preparation, and confidence. We can control two of the variables... it's how they interact with opportunity that makes luck good or bad. Other than that... I don't think there is any supernatural power that we can look to.

  8. Well given that there are a lot of guys who would say anything to impress a woman, I will try to not SAY that again. Actions are how I should show what I mean.


    I believe some events are bound to happen and can't be prevented. The US hasn't suffered yet, but will suffer a great depression soon because of actions already taken. We can't prevent it because the acts are already in the past.


    We each have a limited amount of influence on our destiny, but we could use that limited influence to be decent people. If one were a thoughtless and unkind moron, then he'd be more likely to be killed than a fairly admired person. That doesn't mean it's definite, but being more considerate and decent makes it less likely to be killed by another.


    The same thing goes for health, finances, safety, and other things. If a person works out more, there is less chance of health problems, but it is never certain they wouldn't suffer a heart attack. It doesn't mean we should just forget to care for ourselves or others... it just makes it more/less likely for something to happen.

  9. I'm not one to believe in fate. I think the world is chaos and humans try to bring that chaos to order. But since humans have their own agenda, that order sometimes is taken from a whole and concentrated onto a limited number of peoples' lives.


    I don't think Karma is the reason to be a decent person... the more friends you have, the more likely one would help you out in need. That doesn't come unless a person is willing to help that same friend in the same situation.


    I look to heros because their greatness was founded upon great work. That's why they are so admired and so rare. I don't deserve to be looked up to... yet because I haven't done any real deeds to deserve admiration. When I try to emulate Yuthura, I remember her greatness came from great sacrifice.


    People who look at superman and think he's the greatest hero of all time... I look at a more 'realistic' type of hero. Although I favor Yuthura Ban most, I realize that people like FDR, Ghengis Khan, and my grandfather... all who worked for their greatness... they are the ones I try to emulate.


    I also look up to you because you have much that I hoped to have, myself at a younger age. It may sound strange, but I rather look up to you because I don't imagine talking to someone who's seven years younger than me... I see you as a much wiser person than most adults in America. I just hope I don't seem to suck up to you... you should be proud of yourself.

  10. I'm really surprised how many things correspond with each other... and yet are opposite. I don't think we have much 'middle ground,' but it's interesting how you decided to give up on alcohol when I started REALLY trying it. We each had some 'revolution' over a cat.


    I won't go on b/cause almost anyone could see we all(people) have more similarities than differences. We're all driven by will, but those that set their will upon something greater than animal instincts are those that prosper the most. I'm glad to know you... at least what you've shared with me.


    I've really enjoyed speaking with you... (no I don't mean to say this in a 'goodbye way) and I've really been given a lot to think of. I find it difficult to find others who are 'ideas people,' but not leaders. I find that so few people really put life-altering issues in these posts, but it is very inspiring to receive advice on many things no one else bothers to consider. I really appreciate having you to talk to. Thanks.

  11. Pets as listeners? Yeah, I understand.


    The thing was that they don't last forever... nothing does. There were times I took so much joy in a moment that I forgot to think about what happened after that. I've tried to get away from 'listeners' and realized that Sergai was just like so many other things that would break down if I just became passive and not faced what would happen a few years later.


    I looked to events months later, but never years or decades. After that, I started doing that. I like to think he... sacrificed himself for me. It's not true but... it works. I don't think of that cat very much anymore, but I do remember that's where it started.


    I was also inspired by KOTOR and saw that I could be like Revan, Exile, Yuthura, if I simply choose to do so. And I guess I wanted the Exile because she was the first of the three to REALLY inspire me to improve myself in the eyes of others. Yuthura was the one who inspired me because she had the psychological strength I admired most. I also hate thinking it was a computer game that inspired me as well!

  12. The cat was very close to me because I was the only one he took to. I thought I made things much better for him because I was the only one who accepted him. He was MY cat.


    After he died from a chemical we couldn't identify, it was a shock to me. After being w'out him, I realized that I didn't have many others to take the cat's place in my heart. That's when I saw how alone I was and how ignorant I was of so many other things in life. If I couldn't handle a cat's death, then I can't handle life as it was.


    I know it was a really stupid reason, but I think things changed much more after that than it had after I left High School. It wasn't that cat that made me become as I am today, but it was like the sound that brought down an avalanche in my life. It wasn't the cat, but the way I chose to look at it... among the rest of my life. It could easily have been another thing that changed things, but it was that cat (Sergai was his name).

  13. It depends. I know you hate this answer, but it's true.


    When a college student has to step up to handle work that is more difficult than HS, some improve, some fall. If a person is in an unskilled job, then earning a living because a life-altering thing.


    I think I changed significantly after my cat had died... I took it very hard. When I came to face certain aspects of life, I saw that I was no longer concerned with what happened after that. I guess that after a while, I came to realize that I was not as significant to the world as I thought. After I had faced that fact, I saw that despite being much smaller than I thought, I had learned that I had been hypocritical all my life in another of other aspects.


    I don't know if you've been where I was earlier in your life, but I think that my cat's death was a wake-up call that motivated me to change how I thought and acted. At least I try to think of it that way.


    If you learn much more than what you choose to learn, you may have a revolution like I had, but I wouldn't know how other people have changed in comparison to me. Depends on what really touches your life.

  14. We've discussed that in a class 'World of Ideas.' When we don't directly get impacted, it's easy to send other people's kids off to war. I made a reference to that in SiD. Did you notice?


    Those with power have the influence to affect the media, so they use that influence to control what other people believe. We wanted to go into Iraq because we were told 'nuclear weapons.' If we were told... 'based on one page of undeclared documentation'... who would have felt threatened by Iraq?


    Since politicians have to have money to be nominated, their interests are not our(American public) interests. Same is likely true in the UK.

  15. Same here. In high school, I was popular, but in the sense that I was the football star, handsome rouge, take-it-easy kind of guy. I was not fit... about 30 kilos heavier than I am now. I was liked, but not that people came up to me to be a friend. I was smart, but wasn't the star pupil everyone looked up to.


    I've changed very drastically in the last three years or so, but I've not actually developed the confidence that usually went with... my physical and mental traits. I tend to think I'm strong for being alone, but I really look at how others can look so relaxed in a bar and wonder how it comes so naturally to them.

  16. The UK's always had dominance of the seas. Because it's an island, that made all the difference. It's just that with globalization, the sea has no longer been the obstacle/commerce travel way it once was. Now the Ocean between the US and the World will make it more difficult for future transactions.


    The US military is simply stretched across the globe. The military is the best in the world, but when it's extended... let's just say it's easier to deal with them when they're in Afganistahn than on our soil. It is also way over budget. The failure comes from the economy... not the soldiers.

  17. You're on three projects... not to mention your part with diviantart and your artwork.


    I've found drawing to not be as satisfying b/cause I want perfection, but won't invest the time I need for that. I'll keep on SiD, but I've been finding new ground in K3 that I want to keep on top of. SiD can wait or never end... K3 is a commitment to two others that I want to put first.


    As for my social life... I simply don't like to spend my time doing what others expect. I'm different and alone. To be different is to be alone. I know I'm missing much, but I don't want to lose my individuality for pointless things... like drinking.


    I want to enjoy life and all its agonizing glory. I don't want to dull the sensation in any way.

  18. Do you know just how many times England's been invaded?!


    Since the French had been kicked out the last time, then I'd say no. I don't like crediting the US because it's become a juggernaut, but I think England would have lost if Germany had not declared war on the US.


    After Pearl Harbor, there was nothing forcing Germany to engage the US. (Japan attacked the US) After that time, the American public had their eyes on Japan alone. If Germany had not stepped up to declare war on the US, the shipments of weapons to England likely would have turned to the war in the Pacific.


    Although England's only a shadow of its former self, I still have more confidence in it because it's not an Empire like the US. I guess that's not what you wanted, but England is certainly has come close to falling in WWII.

  19. I guess that reading little fiction (I usually watch it in games and movies) results in social ineptitude. I don't get why I write a sci-fci fiction if I really don't read it at all.


    I've been getting inspiration for K3 and realized I've been losing it for SiD. I've tried to put it down for a while, but now I've got this new thing on my mind. I'm going to try and finish my last chapter that I've had problems with and see if that helps. If you, having read the last chapter already, could help with a quick and effective solution that doesn't detract from the quality... much, that'd be appreciated. Thanks

  20. I'm not one to 'buy' new books. My father has a huge collection of books that are filled with references more than novels.


    One book I've been reading in 'Castles of Steel.' It's not so much about WWI battleships, but the people who influenced their presence in history. It talks about how WWI between Germany and England came because Whilehm built a fleet of 'toy boats' to brag in the face of England.


    In doing that, he wasted Germany's resources and brought England into WWI... why build a huge navy unless to challenge Britain?


    If you're asking about a novel, I would recommend Jurasic Park. I'm afraid I don't read that many 'novels.' I read historical references mostly. Sorry.

  21. I'm from Wisconsin. (the dairy state of our nation) Cheese is in our blood... *shudder* And I do hate tomatoes as Burnseyy said. My father thinks there's something wrong with me because of it.


    I can't stand the idea of being alien for a month and one day. I hope that you don't start speaking Spanish when you're back!

  22. Oh... if HOP is not interested in a conversation... I wasn't stepping aside if there was going to be a three-way discussion. I just though HOP was more important because he was there for only an hour. He just isn't going to worry about the K3 thing until he's back.

  23. I've discussed a future subplot where Bao-Dur and Yuthura are introduced at the same time. It would also involve The Exile confronting Atris. If Burnseyy and you want to have one of your characters go with the Exile, you have that option.


    If you want Brianna to be there when the Exile confronts Atris, that would allow you some opportunity to expand her character. Once the Atris bit has been done, Brianna does not have to be a part of the Yuthura/Bao-Dur conflict. I just need to know ahead if you are interested in having her confront Atris in about two or three chapters.


    If you don't understand what I just asked, then don't worry about it right now. It's still well into the future.


    Hope you enjoy Spain. I despise tomatoes!



  24. Alright, I'll get off if HOP needs to say something important. post you later.

  25. Don't forget that Yuthura and Alayna will be together as well... It's not like I'm saying "Give me your characters and I'll manipulate them as I choose!"


    You'll also have two of mine to do with as you will. If HOP wants to throw Brianna in as well... imagine how Bao-Dur would feel about a ship filled with pretty women! lol


    I actually want try to avoid having woman be a huge majority of the cast. I don't want something like "return from exile." I would only have five to one for that group because none of the other male roles could remotely fit. However, if HOP doesn't want a part in this, he could further define the characters on Dantooine. I actually would like it more in Brianna stayed behind, but that might not be right... given her ties to Atris.


    Any issues with that?

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