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Everything posted by Jedi_Man

  1. I think Cyborg Ninja is going overboard with his Evil Rogue Ninja guy, He just won't die!!!one! I mean, he just a chidori to the chest, which i had to change to fit his story, and before that a slash to his Achilles. I don't know if that's godmodding or not, but It doesn't seem like stuff I remember Ninjas being able to do...

  2. I thought I did.... Oh well, might as well do it again.

  3. ........

    Thats were I live. :o

  4. Just a question, are you actually in Wisconsin?

  5. You mean undead... yeah, it is, The next post shoud be you, I just made you an offer you can't refuse. ;)

  6. You mean undead... yeah, it is, The next post shoud be you, I just made you an offer you can't refuse.

  7. Oh, ok... I just post to all Rp's.

  8. Hey, just wondering, how you doing? When are you going to post again to the Blade of War rp?

  9. hey, we need a few posts in the End of Days thread, I've already thrown my guys in, time to get recruited.

  10. WHAT...OMG, Filefront is going down?! At least the forums are still up....

  11. Or, by making you lose homework and some brain cells from repeated head bashing, They're going to try and make all of humankind stupid, thus stopping us from impeding their rise to power. I'll need more ammo *Runs to nearest Cabelas to grab some Shotgun Shells*

  12. WHAT!!!!???? OMG, THATS HORRIBLE!!!!

  13. ok, I've heard some things pointing to that...

  14. Hey, you should post to the Zombie Rp.

  15. Hello, me again, I do believe we should post in the Zombie RP.

  16. Hey, the Zombie Rp is dying, lets post!

  17. ok, just one question, what's happened so far?

  18. Please, don't think its weird, Its just natural to me, When I try to come up with a name, its the first thing coming in. All the other storys were i use another name, it just doesn't go right.

  19. ( Its a secret, but my name is Sam :0) I don't know why, but my actual uncle, who my Zombie cahracter uncle is based off of, says it has something to do with my need to be in all my dreams, like the stories i participate in.

  20. If who's dead? I have no Idea of who your talking about. Someone mind helping me out here.

  21. well, you coud come back as a zombie, just intelligent, and we could just feed you beef or jerky to keep you satiated... or you could switch sides and become some evil monster zombie, but I like the first one better.

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