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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Could you remove the poll from my wip thread?

  2. Check my album. Made new guns.

  3. finished, uploading to album now. Texture later.

  4. Almost done with the model.

  5. this 2 is good, thanks.

  6. I can't seem to find a good enough pic of that gun. Could you take a look, bigger the better.

  7. :/ Well i think we are half the country away.

  8. Your like my girlfriend...

  9. You were 50 this morning!!! Slow down lol

  10. Done, check my album in 5 min from when i posted this.

  11. Almost finished texturing the model.

  12. AK-47 model in my album now :D

  13. Glad i noticed it was your b-day before it was too late :D

  14. ok, cool, thanks.

  15. How did you make your custom property for your taintpool thing?

  16. Hi, what's new ?

  17. Hoods released!

  18. Hoods are released!

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