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Status Updates posted by theJoker05

  1. And why can't we just talk why does it always have to be about RC???

    Why Why??

  2. don't get pissed, but could I ask for one more favor???

    could I have one more commando everything the same exept the name is Grasshopper and the color is green???

    thx... :)

  3. I was wondering if u and LiWar want to join my squad???

    Its under Squad recruitment:ZERO G Squad

    just go on and post that u want to join thx...

  4. just go to forums, squad recruitment and go to the one that says ZERO G squad.

    Go into it and just say I would like to enlist in this squad...

  5. oh for the weponds have him holding a battle rifle

    and ok his back a covenant rocket launcher from Halo 3

  6. thx man your awsome

    Not to be rude or anything do u think it will be done by 3:30 PT??

    Thats when I get home from school...

  7. u don't have to have the game. Its just like "a band of brothers..."

    Just friends in a squad thats all...

  8. u like my commando?? If u do u should join my squad...

    its under squad recruitement: ZERO G Squad...


  9. u think u can make me one more???


    All the armor the same, but the name is Grasshopper, the color of the armor is gray and the details r green including the helmet...

    u think u can do that???

  10. what's up???

    is General LiWar back yet???

  11. Why did u close my thread???

    there was nothing wrong with it!!!!!

  12. any progress on my commando???

  13. Any progress on my commando???

  14. Can u add me as a friend???

  15. Do I have to make a whole new account for the new site???

  16. Do Not lock my new thread of is not a CHAT ROOM!!!!!!

  17. do u want to join my squad???

  18. dude ur like an older brother that I never had...

  19. ey srry for acting the way I did. Do u forgive me???

  20. How do I deleat one of my profiles???

  21. how do u ask to bacome friends???

  22. How is my commando coming along???

  23. How is my commando coming along???

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