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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. Nuttin' much. TONS of school. Writing a collab fic with a couple other people (just got the first chapter out! :xp:). And I'm writing a Javyar's entry. And, of course, I'm writing about the fifth rewrite of the Sri chapter. O_o


    I hope Anni likes it one of these days...


    What're you up to? :)

  2. O_0


    No...no, can't say I have... :lol:

  3. Of course I'm excited about Christmas!!!!!! :xp: Argh, I hate Christmas Eve! Takes for-ever to get to Christmas Day! :lol:


    Yup, I've had writer's block for the past month or so. I dunno, chapters like--chapter 3, for instance. I just have trouble writing parts like that! Times like that are the times I just want to yell, "I fight scene! My kingdom for a fight scene!" :lol:

  4. Of course, dear fellow. (passes sugar)


    I merely intend to write about a red Twi'lek. :) 'Twill be quite simple, really--if I can ever get past this part, that is--

  5. Oh, darn. Well, when you put it that way...





    (pants for breath)


    Dangit! I HATE WRITER'S BLOCK!!!!!!!

  6. Oh, I know whatcha mean about tired. I've gotten very little sleep the past few nights. :/


    I'm just doing my schoolwork. And writing (of course). And I'm tryin' to beat a video game. That's 'bout it. :D


    What are you up to?

  7. Oh, I've needed sleep ever since...April. :lol:


    The work on the next Sri chapter is going quickly, compared to the other chapters. Hopefully, it'll be out in a week or so. :)

  8. Oh, in that case, I won't spoil anything for you! :xp:


    But I just watched an episode with the coolest fight scenes...inspiration for Sri! :lol:


    What are you up to?

  9. Oh, like Empire at War. :)


    Well, I've been looking at a game called Lair for a long time, so I'm wishing for that, and I'm also wishing for Tomb Raider: Underworld. There's a movie, and a PS2 controller adapter. That's 'bout it. Enough for my relatives and my parents to all give me something. :)

  10. Oh, man, what is that called!?!?!?! I have it in my piano music, I just can't remember it!!!!! :eek:


    Okay, so--who's your favorite villain, who's your favorite main character (Good Barbossa counts too ;)), your favorite good guy who isn't quite main character status (Gov. Swann, Norrington, etc.), and who's your favorite Pirate Lord? :xp:

  11. Oh, no, not again! :lol:


    Have you ever thought of using :wazup:? :xp:

  12. Oh, no, not again...


    (Force Pushes Chev off herself and into the ceiling)

  13. Oh, okay.


    So, besides that, what're you up to?

  14. Oh, Rebel, definitely. If for no other reason than Sherman's march to the sea. As a military strike, it was amazing, but because of all the old men, women, and children who died, lost everything, or had even worse things happen to them at the hands of the Federal troops...yea. :(


    I've finished Tomb Raider, Tomb Raider 2, and I'm working on Tomb Raider 3. :) It's a tad annoying, listening to all the cutscenes and quips, but still...the music in the second one is pretty good! :xp:

  15. Oh, well--guess it's like Force Unleashed. You know what my favorite part is?


    A jump of about--let's see, in real life terms, it would be about--500-1000 ft. deep. Fun! :xp:


    And then, of course, I get to work my way back up. :lol:


    I saw some advertisement for the Left 4 Dead game. It looked okay, but I don't really like cooperative gameplay. I had my fill of it with the At World's End game. Man, those places were nightmares...


    I saw that the Underworld Demo is out for the PC. I might just download it and try it out, even though I'm lame with the PC controls. That's why I need a PS2 controller converter! :lol:

  16. Oh, which one does she watch, the A&E one with Colin Firth in it, or the one that came out around Revenge of the Sith?


    A clone trooper watching Pride and Prejudice?...Eh, I don't think I want that image running around in my head. :lol:

  17. Oh.


    (long pause)


    We're really boring people, y'know that? :lol:

  18. Okaaaaaay...that was an odd thing to do. :lol:


    I've been watching DS9 all day. There hasn't been a really good episode in the bunch. :(

  19. Okay, I can be on about nine o'clock. Sorry for the delay. :/


    PS: Yup, that's god-modding, all right. :p *starts thinking of ways to cure Chev of his dastardly ways*

  20. Okay, I don't think I have much to complain about. :lol:


    Oh, I dunno. I just never get around to it. :/ Besides, it's his thing! :xp: I'll probably try it in a couple days, though. :)

  21. Okay, I just found this hilarious video about The Matrix. :p


  22. Okay, I just realized I haven't responded. I read it, but completely forgot to comment. :fist:


    My first thought after I'd finished reading it was, "Another pair of Jedi falling in love and having a kid?" I don't really mind the topic, but it gets kinda old. :/ Of course, here I am talking, the queen of the 'lets-kill-off-the-parents' group... :lol:


    Other than that, I didn't see anything wrong with it. I would cut down on the good vocabulary words, though. The sentences would flow a little more smoothly with only a few, IMO.

  23. Okay, inevitable question: Who's your least favorite hero in LoTR?


    Oh, update on ASA. I just had to throw out another roughdraft. :( Hopefully the next one will be workable.

  24. Okay, my opinion on the World Wars...


    If it hadn't been for the US, they wouldn't have become World Wars. They would've been just a couple more wars in Europe, a continent that was basically a giant war zone anyway. If you gave me a few sheets of paper, I could say a bunch of other uncomplimentary things about the two wars, but it's late and I don't have time to write an essay. :lol: I'm not saying that the soldiers who died in WW1/2 weren't brave or anything, but they died needlessly, believing that they were defending their country, when in reality, their country shouldn't have had to be defended in the first place.


    Your opinion? :)

  25. Okay, now I KNOW you're not a Jedi! A Jedi wouldn't ever get revenge for being rickrolled! :lol:


    Is it any wonder I like the Sith better? :p

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