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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. Yea, I know, but--it just feels better to blather on about it somewhere. :lol:




    Yea, my estimation of the elder Hansons just degraded quite a bit. -_-

  2. Yea, I saw it in the theaters back in August. :) Don't have the DVD of it yet.


    You have it? What do you think of it?

  3. Yea, I saw the Klingons make a solar flare engulf the Dominion shipyards. :D That was fun! I kinda like Ezri Dax so far. It's just sad that she had to be joined even though she didn't want to. :(


    Good luck catching those birds! :lol:

  4. Yea, I thought of that last night after I clicked off. :lol: (Is it any wonder I like Voyager? ;))


    That was rhetorical, BTW. ;)

  5. Yea, I'm a bit of a fraidy-cat about some things. :D Daytime FTW! :lol:


    That's great you got a new strategy game! :xp: Hope you enjoy it! Socks and chocolate are always good, too. :D


    Hope you enjoy going wherever you're going! Merry Christmas!

  6. Yea, I've been playin' WoW. Right now, I'm downloading the Aion beta client (it's taking for-ever -_-).


    (sigh) The only new this is that I'm dogsitting for the neighbors. I'm not sure if I told you about the demon-dog...ahem, I mean the sweet little puppy... she's a half-chihuahua, half-Jack Russel Terrier. Which = mounds of energy. I've been watching her since the beginning of this month, and I have a few more days left. >_< She's worn me to a frazzle, and I can barely get my work done because I can barely get any sleep! -_-


    Today has just been lousy. I got up from another sleepless night and found out that my bird had died. (Not the dog's fault, fortunately) Then, after we finished burying him and cleaning out the cage, I looked over and saw that the dog was chewing up my favorite stuffed animal--she'd ripped it's eye out. -_- We managed to fix it, but when we were done with that, we discovered that she'd chewed up the colored pencils I bought for my biology course!

  7. Yea, it'd be enviable if it weren't for the fact I have 10-11 subjects a day, and most of 'em take at least 45 minutes-2 hours. :eek: Other than that... :rolleyes:


    I'm glad you and your friend got to play CoD together! :D It's always fun seeing an old friend again! Oh, be sure to hit his friend for scaring you like that. ;)


    Oh, remember that collaborative fic I told you I was working on? The first chapter's out in the CEC! :xp: Last time I checked, we only have one comment, probably 'cuz the blasted thing's so long, but at least it's out! :D

  8. Yea, it's 1000 posts. Gratz on the junior membership! :xp:


    What do you have BF2 for, PC or a console?

  9. Yea, my dad said it was a hard drive problem. :lol:


    So, how was/is your day? :)

  10. Yea, philosophy'll do that to you. Heck, I'm a little woozy just after some of these Voyagers I've been watching lately. If nothing else, Star Trek's good at twisting minds! :lol:


    School just started back. Other than that, I've been playing a couple games I got for my PS3. Haven't gotten far on either of 'em. Just finished the tutorials and the first level on one, and I'm on the third level of the other one (counting the prologue). Haven't had much time to play lately. :/ Besides, my time would better be spent writing! :p

  11. Yea, playstations are the only ones I can use well.


    I take it you use Xbox?

  12. Yea, stuff like glass and electricity is pretty interesting...but I prefer history. Especially ancient history! :xp:


    Weeeelllllll...okay, so I have ulterior motives. :D Still, feel sorry for me! :lol:


    You might not want to do a Samurai fic for Javvys--I'm pretty sure it has to be Star Wars. Still, you could try a Samurai-type character in the Star Wars universe. :)

  13. Yea, that's a mod. Kit Fisto was a patch for the Xbox players, I believe, and Asajj Ventress came with him. But you could probably find them in a mod somewhere too. After all, who doesn't want to be the fish-man or the bald Sith! :lol:


    And ain't it funny how those lines work? :xp:


    Gratz on the legendaries! :D And good luck online!

  14. Yea, the story was sad. It was really, really sad. :( I don't know why I should be surprised, really... none of the Tomb Raider games are really happy...


    So, Spore's a good game? I've heard some really good things about it and some really bad things about it.


    Conquered the galaxy yet? Or whatever you do in it? :D

  15. Yea, they've made/are making a CW dueling game, but it's only for Wii and DS. :(


    Aayla Secura's my favorite, too! :xp: That sprint move she does is just awesome! I can't get much out of pre-suit Ani unless I spam Force Choke...but then I usually use Vader 'cuz his lightsaber's more powerful. :lol:


    Have you played Mos Eisley: Assault yet? That's gotta be my favorite mode--at least since I learned the all-important maxim, "Lightsaber Throw is your friend!" :lol:

  16. Yea, uh, Chev did the decor... :rolleyes:


    Just hit 0 degrees. Was -6 really early this morning. :lol:


    Ah, well. I'll break out my coat, you break out your fan, and we can continue telling each other how miserable we are because of the weather. :lol:

  17. Yea. My Dad was there at the Nativity thing, and the phone rang. Mama picked up the phone, talked to him for a minute, then she called, "(Endo's real name), get into some dark clothes! You're working at the (official name of the Nativity)!"


    Now, my sis had already tried to press me into it, and I'd repeatedly said that I wasn't going to do it. (I have my reasons) You can imagine my reaction. :rolleyes:


    But yea...I had to play Mary. -_- If 'Joseph' had said "Shalloum" one more time, I swear, I'da hit him. So, I got to sit there, trying to keep the head-veil thing on my head and holding a doll that looks like a Star Trek prop. FAKE!!!!!!!!!


    Well, according to my sister (she talked to a lot of people there), there were several people who kept talking about how good the Mary was. :giveup:

  18. Yea. The only problem is that you can never be the DS character. :/ Too bad, too. DS Serra Keto is so much cooler than LS Serra Keto! :xp:


    Who's your favorite duelist?

  19. Yea. We actually did get on full of fightin' and killin', but it was the only good one--and it wasn't even that good!


    You know they were having a slow few months when they couldn't even get a fightin/killin episode right.


    I will admit, there was one really, truly excellent line in the first episode we watched. I'll have to write it down sometime. :lol:

  20. Yea...it's one of those days...


    Oh, yea. And my other sister went off to college, so now I have no beta reader. Wonderful.


    Well, the one good thing from the past few days. The half-price bookstore was having a sale, so I bought a ton of Star Wars books. Finished the Han Solo trilogy and Shadows of the Empire, and I'm working on the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy.


    But...yea. If you ever get a dog, please, I implore you, for your sake and whoever watches your dog's sake, teach it not to chew things up! (I mean, a little puppy I can understand, but this dog's a little over 1 year now... -_-)




    Sorry for venting. :o

  21. Yep, I'm sick right now. :lol:


    So, how're you? Better'n me, I hope? :p

  22. Yep, my lack of sleep is due to the dog, hehe.


    Had the bird for a little more than eleven years.


    My sis is doing okay at college so far. She can't come home for any time but Christmas and summer, 'cuz it's twelve hours away, hehe. (I really don't want to wait that long to get my stuff beta'd. ;))


    In the bounty hunter series, I just finished the first one and started the second one. Their names escape me. :lol:

  23. Yes he can. He killed Komari Vosa. :p


    Though I will admit that Jango stinks in BF2. -_- Guns are too weak.


    And hey--Jango was good enough not end up in the Sarlaac in the first place! :p He only got killed by the most powerful Jedi of the time (while Boba got almost deaded by a blind guy. ;))

  24. Yes I did, didn't I? :p


    I'm just writin' a bit for SoD. :)


    What're you up to?

  25. Yes you do and no complaining about it! :mad:



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