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yeah.. plus it's my nerd name... i hate to get rid of it... but check my sig
yeah i might change it back in 6 months
i gots a new name
i still want to be called Scav
psst.... i got MTS to get an Avvy good sign
heheh YAY!!!!!!!
well i hope it happens soon
BTW when i get it i want you to still call me Scav
how long does it usualy take for the name change thing to be accepted?
i hath used it but alas i must go... fairbye ner'vod
thanks now to wait for the name change
never played that... i stick to D&D and Star Wars
and i'm not sure how hard this would be but could you put the base pic of my avvy on the right side?
yeah but maybe a bit more silverish?
the writing
i like it! but how about a different color to replace the white so it matches my avvy
i'm serious. i ot a cup of coffe and am sitting here drinking it
never mind i got some coffe
never mind i got some coffe and i'm good to go
if you want to get into them tell me well i got to go. TTYL ner'vod